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(Still your POV)

She led me to the back but I couldn't see a box in sight. Infact I couldn't see the lady either.

A harsh gurgling sound was herd as it slowly formed a voice.

"I see you've fallen for my very obvious trap"

I frantically looked around trying to see what kind of gem-no what ever this thing was.

My feet felt...weird.

I looked down to see tar? Slime? It was cold, slimy and going up my ankles quickly!!

I started tugging at it trying to get out of it, as I struggled it got farther up my leg.

I grabbed the closest thing near me not even taking the time to see what it was. I vigorously started slamming the object into the slime and it slithered away in...fear?

I looked at the object and it was a...hair brush and a beautiful one too.

I without even thinking through the brush into the sea of pitch black liquid and ran out where we came from and out the door, all I wanted now was the comfort of my Spinel where I am safe!

I ran as fast as I possibly could and ended back at the house in 15 minutes with occasionally a few stops.

I ran through the door slamming the door behind me alerting Steven and Spinel.

Sweat beads were running down my face because of what I just saw and from running.

"Y/N are you ok?"

Steven asked. You could hear the concern laced in his voice.

I sped walking and pulled Spinel into a tight hug, she tensed up but accepted and tried calming me down.

"Steven I think maybe you should leave us alone for now"

Spinel pulled from the hug and smiled at him signaling 'everything would be fine'

"Just remember I'm just one call away"
He got and left without another word.

Spinel pulled a blanket over my shoulders and guided me to the couch.

"Mind telling old Spinel what's got you so worked up"

I shook my head and just snuggled into her side.

"Happy Valentine's Day Spinel"


"Hey Steven sorry for causing you to worry earlier"

I adjusted the phone so I'd hear him better.

"It's no problem"

He replied

I started to speak in a small voice
"Steven I think there's something going on I saw this-

Maybe I'll give another part of this small series maybe not who knoes

Till The End Of Time (Spinel X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now