Bestfriend? (Chapter 4)

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After we collected the gems which were kinda a mess since Steven was freaking out because he couldn't bubble. We decided we'd better go back to the beach house so we walked down the hill to the beach house. Steven called his dad for help and we kinda were just waiting in silence



The door slammed open "STEVEN!!" Greg called out. I looked up as he ran into the beach house "I came as fast as I could!"

"Are you two okay!" He looked at the gems on the table "Holy shhhii-she really got everybody" I would've laughed if this was a normal situation but unfortunately it wasn't.

Greg looked at the pink heart-shaped gem and asked us well mostly Steven if the gem was her he answered with "yeah" Greg kept asking questions and Steven answered all of them until Greg asked, "how?"

Steven pulled the scythe thing out and began explaining what happened to his gem and all that as, I, on the other hand, was mesmerized by the pink gem on the table I don't know why but I was drawn to it in a way.

Greg picked up Pearl's gem and it started floating up into the air I was hopeful for a minute until the pearl morphed into a clam "please identify yourself" it ordered, "um Greg Universe?"

Greg answered obviously confused. "Greetings um Greg Universe please state preferred customization options" "uh what am I supposed to say here," Greg said quietly to Steven "i-i don't know" Steven shrugged "default settings selected please stand by"

the gem started to float toward me. I backed up as she reformed but she "Pearl!!" Steven shouted but Pearl went toward Greg and bowed?

How do you do my "Um-Greg Universe?" thank you for bringing me into the world I am at your eternal service welcome to your new Pearl" she said in a singsong voice.

"What's going on?" Greg and Steven said in unison."Could her gem be cracked?" Greg suggested while Steven checked"It looks fine to me".
The Ruby reformed but also different I don't know much about gem stuff but this was really weird. "Ruby! Are you okay?" Steven questioned "Ah! Who are you? You're not my assignment!" The Ruby said defensively.

"I could really use an explanation here..." Greg said scratching his head "Allow me to illuminate!" Pearl said normally.

"A Ruby guard but just a single one they tend to come in teams of three or more" Pearl said showing three rubies with her gem. The sapphire started to reform.

"A precious Sapphire she sees the future that's who the Ruby's for" Pearl Explained still singing. "My Sapphire! As my sworn duty and sole purpose, I will protect you with my life!"

The Ruby promised.
"I know you will, that's why I predict you won't last more than a day" the sapphire claimed "Huh?" The Ruby questioned "Come now" the sapphire said as the walked away.

"Amethyst!" Steven said seeing as Amethyst reformed."Hey, Amethyst?" He questioned."Hey, Amethyst?" She repeated"What? No, you're Amethyst!" He exclaimed "What? No, you're Amethyst!" She copied once again.

"You must be right this is an Amethyst except an Amethyst is big and strong this one is not the best example something is clearly wrong" Pearl said in her singing voice.

"I do say, something is clearly wrong" Pearl stated." What are all these different Gems doing in- " I stared at the pink gem until my full concentration was on it. It started glowing and floating into the air. "Get back!"

I heard as I was thrown slightly away from the gem behind Steven. Giggles followed as the gem reformed. Arms wrapped around Steven but then the gem...poofed?

I was confused but shortly after the gem started reforming again but this time the thin pink arms were wrapped around my waist I wasn't able to think what to do as I was thrown onto the ground. "Yippee! I'm so excited to meet you!" She said happily as my heart slightly melted. She was quite a sight but she was different "You're not mad?"

Steven questioned. "Mad? Why would I be mad at my best friend?" She said clinging to me. "This will be fun aren't you the lucky one? her cut is perfect and she's pink, as well" Pearl started singing "She'll bring you endless entertainment
Your new, best friend, Spinel!" Pearl said as Spinel Danced and posed


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