𝑰𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒕𝒔

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New York City, the big Apple, the city that never sleeps, the place of your dreams. Well I've heard it all cause I've lived here my whole life.

Well in the Bronx part of New York, where there isn't much tourist, due to all the gangs that run around the streets, I don't really like the gangs though, it's hard walking down the street and then get cat called or just being worried that you can get jumped at any second. That's why I usually hangout around Times Square, Central Park, Soho and where Brooklyn bridge is.

I usually have to walk everywhere I don't have cash for taxis plus they always rip you off.

I was walking home when I spotted this guy. He had brown, hair brown eyes, high cheek bones and was wearing a leather jacket.

"Hey there doll" he smirked and leaned on the pole

He wasn't a bad looking guy,

"Hi" I said walking past him, I don't like to stop walking here it freaks me out, in the darkness with only one light that wasn't even that bright, plus I got like 3 more blocks to go.

"You tryin' to avoid me?" He asked walking with me

"Well I'm a 14 year old girl walking alone, in New York City, well Bronx the most dangerous part of the city, and a strange guy is talking to me at night" I glanced at him and then just kept walking

"Okay okay, you live here then? You ain't no tourist" he asked taking out a cigarette and lighting it up,

"I've been living here, plus tourist don't walk around Bronx's in The dark, and if they did, they're plain stupid"

"Where ya headin'?" He blowed out the smoke and looked at me

"Why should I tell you?" I looked at him and he looked at the sky and chuckled

"You know you can't see the stars in New York" he changed the conversation

"Of course you can" I looks up but it was plain dark

"Nope, there is so much lights that you just can't see em," he threw the cigarette to the floor and stepped on it

"I'm heading home" I said softly

"And that is-"

"A few blocks away, I'm assuming your walking me home?"

"Well I can't leave a pretty lady just walking down the dark terrifying streets that make her shake! Oh my god!" He said getting all dramatic making me laugh

"Drama queen much?" I giggled

"It's a skill I have" he looked at his hands and then blew on them

"My turn to ask the questions,"

"When did I say that?"

"Why haven't I ever seen you around?" I asked

"It's a big city" he smirked

"But I assume you live here" I stuffed my hands in my pocket Cause it was getting cold and my dumbass had to wear a short sleeve

"I do live here," he took off his leather jacket and put it on my shoulders

"This is yours and it's freezing," I was taking it off but he stopped me

"You're more then an ice cube then me, plus it ain't that cold, and to answer your question I do live here, run around with the Sharks"

"You're a gang member" I gulped

"What? ya scared sweet heart?" He smirked

"No, I'm not scared of anything" I sassed and he shook his head and laughed

"I never see you around here either" he looked at me and then looked back to the front

"I don't spend time here, I spend time where the tourist are"

"Like Broadway? You see them dancin' and singing out of there" he laughed

"Sometimes" I giggled

"New York ain't all bad, until you get in the walls, you see what actually happens"

"Couldn't agree more, how old are you?" I asked randomly

"That's random, but I'm 15"

"15, I'm almost 15" I nodded , I looked at the street we were in and I passed my building "I passed my building"

"Havin' such a good time that you forgot to stop walkin'" he chuckled as we turned around and walked a bit more

"This is my stop" I grinned softly and stood at the steps "and here's your jacket you're probably going to need it" I started taking off the warm leather jacket that smelled like cigarettes and cologne

"Um keep it, have a little memory of me" he smiled, he had a really nice smile,

"Am I going to see you again?" I asked him

"Well I'm leaving,"

"Leaving as in going home or like" he nodded "oh, well I had a nice time with you, and one day if we do see each other again let's have a nice chit chat, like the one we just had" I smiled and looked down

"I'm going to Texas so if you find me remind me that you still have my jacket" he chuckled "have a goodnight doll" he started leaving

"Wait! Wait!" I ran over to him

"Can't get enough of me huh?" He smirked and turned around

" I never got your name" I bit my lip and smiled

"I guess you'll just have to find out when you find me" he smiled and started walking back wards

"No but I want to know your name!" He gave me a wink and left off in the night, I smiled softly

"I guess your name will be mystery boy for now" I said to my self and went inside, the jacket was still warm and it smelled like him.

I walked up the stairs and got to my door, I opened it slowly cause I don't want to wake up anyone and get hurt.

I tipped toed to my room trying not to make one sound.

"Where the hell have you been?!" My mom yelled loudly, he reeked of alcohol.

"I was walking home mom" I said softly

"Your such a liar! I saw you talking with that boy!" She slapped me hard, my cheek started stinging

"He just walked me home" I winced as I felt my cheek

"Go to your room! Your such a fucking bitch, like your dad" I gulped and ran to my room,

I shut the door and locked it. I looked in the mirror and my cheek was red. I sighed and changed into some sweats and a t-shirt, I put the jacket on a hanger and laid down and looked out the window.

"Jacob? Griffin? Thomas? Richard? Ew no that's a old man name, Tim? Steve? Bill? Haha! Bill is too old" I was turning to figure out his name "Ricky? David? Christian? Paul?"

I went over to the leather jacket and put my hands in the pockets and took out a lighter, 2 bucks, cigarettes, and a ring. I put it on my finger and went back to bed.

I can't stop thinking of him, I want to see him again, I'll find him one day


𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒋𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒆𝒕 | 𝒅. 𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒏 Where stories live. Discover now