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Warnings: none
TITLE: clingy

Another stressful school day. Every school day was stressful let's be honest. I pull on some sweats and lie on my bed. I get lonely real quick so I call up my boyfriend. "Baby can you come over?" I whine. I know it was childish but I've been through a lot this week. "Oh yeah. Something wrong?"

"Nope I just want your cuddles and love."

"Ill be over soon mamas."

"M'kay." We stayed on face time until he got to mg house. "Hey. I even brought a hoodie."

"Sure just let yourself in." I giggle and pull his hoodie on. "Freshly worn." Yep. Still smells like him. Ale pulls me onto of him. "Wanna watch a movie or something?"

You shake your head. "Really? Are you that tired?" I snuggle into his neck and fall asleep.

----- Time Skip-----

"-All over me. I cant even move without her being all up on me. She's just been everywhere lately. Like I need my space sometimes."

"I should have just told her I was to busy to hang. Then we could have played video games all day but nah. The girl comes first I guess. She's just clingly. I love her to death. But I wanna be left alone ya know?" I take that as my cue to wake up. I stretch and yawn. "Hey ill calm you later tia bye."

"Good morning sleeping beauty." You smile before rubbing your eyes. You hop off him and walk over to your desk where you left your phone. "Hey ill be right back alejandro."

He paused. You said his full name. Was he In Trouble? Did he do something wrong? He had no idea what was going on. She came back a few minutes later. She had a quick conversation with mattia about their little plan. She was going to pretend that she was gojng over to her friends house when she was actually going over to Mattias house. She wanted alejandro to know she wasn't being clingy, she just wanted her boyfriend. So, maybe she'd leave him alone for a bit. "Okay ill se you later." She kissed his cheek and shoved some shoes on. "What do you mean? I thought you wanted to cuddle and stuff."

"Naw in going over to my friend's house for a bit. Maybe go shopping." He eyed her nervously. "Did I do something wrong" she shook her head no. "Course not." And she was gone.


When I got to mattias house I just chilled on the couch talking to his brother or mom every once in a while. She left at around 5 and its now 7. "Shoul I go back home tia? Call him back?" He had already called fifteen times and you answered once. "I dont know man. If he hits me I swear-" mattias bedroom door opened and alejandro walked in. You had to stop yourself from falling over and laughing. He looked so passed off and sad, you felt kinda guilty though. "You swear what."

It was silent. "You know I trusted you man. I-i just thought maybe you'd tell me you were sleeping with my girl. How long."

"Alejandro," i started saying. "No no. Don't alejandro me! I love you for gods sake and you're just gonna cheat and make me feel like trash!"

And then I lost it. Both mattia and I burst out laughing. "What? What the fuck is so funny?" He growled tugging at his hair in frustration. "This was all our plan," you barely got out. "You said I wa seeing to clingy so I left for a bit. We didnt do anything, just hang out."

"Thats not funny." Alejandro sat down on mattias bed head in his hands. "You moved so you were sitting right next to him. "Im sorry if I went to far, you jug hurt my feelings."

"Before yall get all lovey dovey and shit, get out of my room."

"Dont even get me started on you man, playing this dumb prank."

"Look man I'm sorry."

They do that bro hug thing. "God get a room." You giggle and tug alejandro upstairs and out the door. "Bye tia!" You both call and get into his car.


"Hey y/n, could you maybe never do that again. You dont know how scared I was. Or how hurt I felt. Especially with my friend, or maybe it would've felt worse with a different person, I don't know." His head rested in tour neck, arms around your waist. You kissed a cheek, you hands messing around with his hair. "I won't. I promise. Just don't call me clingy, I already know I am. Also, please don't talk about me like that."

"Im sorry. I truly am. I don't want you to leave me."

"Why did it take you so long to find me?" You figured you'd be out for a bit and hed get worried and check where you were. "Well, after like half an hour, I called up your friends. You never told me which one you were going to and they all said no. I waited a while later and called you and you answered so I guess I felt a bit better. I called you again some more times afterwards and I got scared when you didn't answer. I called up some random friends of ours and you weren't there. And like a little child I cried for a while. And then I called you a couple more times. Thats when I checked where you were. And I was beyond pissed off."

"Awe I'm sorry babes."

"You're mine. All mine you got that." I nodded. "Use your words."

"Yeah ale, I'm yours."
Words: 959


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