Just One Agreement

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The contents of my glass swirl as I motion my hand in a circular motion and stare intently at my wife. We haven't even been married for a week, and the rising anger is still rising. Sooner or later, I am going to be at my capacity, and the outcome wouldn't be pretty.

After a short time, she notices me and her eyes meet mine. It doesn't take long for her to grow nervous, and look back down again. She is reading a book off my shelf and a part of me enjoys seeing her look of confusion when she comes across a word or phrase she doesn't understand.

Three days have passed since our marriage and not a word has been spoken. Only looks of contempt have be exchanged between us, neither of us knowing exactly what to say to one another. Not like there is anything to say.

As she reads, Sandra strokes her belly gently. For reasons I can't explain, she seems to actually care for the child that shares the combination of our genetic codes. I continue to watch her as I take a sip of my whiskey. My gaze runs over her whole body and a smirk makes its way onto my face while I think of something.

I stand up and once I get to her, she turns her eyes away from the book. I grab it from her hands and place it on the coffee table. Sandra looks at me with confusion for a second. This is the first time I've approached her instead of just sitting back and watching her every move, like I had for the past few days.

As I sat down beside her, I hesitate when I look at her stomach that would only multiply in size in the next six months. For a second I feel a twinge of excitement, but the feeling left as soon as it came.

I don't have time for something so simple as emotions.

Our eyes lock and I can't help the stroke of nerves that breaks out through my body. I want to hurt her for ruining my life, but at the same time, I want to pull her to me and show her what it means to be mine.

Her blue eyes are filled with an unknown emotion as I try to break her with mine. When it doesn't work, I move closer to her so that we are only inches apart. She is a strong girl, and if I want to break her to make sure she'll do what I say when I say it, I need to show her that I am not someone to be messed with. That I am the person who calls all the shots.

I am in control of me, and I am in control of her.

The smirk that I had concealed came to light as I brush my fingers over her cheek, pushing some of her blond streaks behind her ear. I hear her gasp in a breath at the sudden contact, which only makes my smirk grow.

"Listen carefully," I say, still caressing her cheek with my hand. "You may have thought you were smart, telling my father that the child is mine. But let me assure you that you are not the one in charge here. I am."

"By marrying me, you not only agreed to a lifetime of money, but you agreed to a lifetime of me. Don't think I will take this commitment lightly. When I want something from you," I run my hungry eyes over her petite form with a satisfied grin on my face, "don't think I won't come and collect."

Before she can get a word in, I brush my lips against hers. I move my hand from her cheek to the back of her neck so she can't pull back, and when I feel I've made my point, I pull away.

The look she wore for the past few days -the look of triumph that angered me to my core- is gone. Now is replaced with a different look. 

A look of someone who just realized they are in too deep.

"You will be sleeping in my room from now on," I say. I pull my jacket on and grab my keys before saying, "When I come back, your stuff better be in our room, or I assure you, there will be consequences."

I don't stay long enough to see her reaction.

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