05: Just One Responsibility

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My fingers furiously tap against the mahogany desk in front of me.

Matthias sits next to me - perfect posture as always. The difference between the both of us could be seen by anyone. While Matthias was a born leader with the professional behavior to match, I was nothing more than the screw up who got a young girl pregnant out of wedlock.

This didn't sit well with my father. To Charles, the careless act was unforgivable, and the permanent commitment of marriage was my punishment. If she would have just aborted the baby like I suggested in the first place, none of this would have happened. Both of us would have been free from the responsibility of raising a child.

I'm taken out of my thoughts when I feel a hand on my shoulder. My consistent tapping stops and I look over to my brother, who is sending me a look of disapproval.

A heavy sigh leaves me and I shrug back into my seat. My foot starts tapping in a rhythmic pattern on the floor, and Matthias groans.

"Can you sit still for one minute?" He grumbles, adjusting his tie as he speaks. "You've been fidgeting in your seat ever since we got here. What's up?"

I clear my throat, and pull at the sleeves of my leather jacket. "Nothing." The expression Matthias wears tells me he's not buying it. After a few seconds, I give in. "Sandra and I have to go to a doctor's appointment for an ultrasound today."

"You're excited." It wasn't a question. Matthias raises a brow at me, a knowing smile following soon after.

"W-what?" I clear my throat and glare at my brother. "No I'm not."

Matthias chuckles. "It's okay for you to be a little nervous. This is your kid - my niece or nephew!"

'Yeah, the kid that should never have happened.' I think bitterly to myself.

The door of father's office opens before my brother can say anything else. He strides in on his mobile phone. Recently, he had bought a new one - this version didn't have that pesky antenna on it like the Nokia that I had.

"I don't care if you think it's impossible," Charles growls into the phone. "You will make it possible, unless you think your job isn't important enough to keep." With that, he ends the call, bringing his attention to the two of us.

For once his face is completely clean shaven instead of the well-groomed beard he usually had, making him appear younger.

Both my brother and I never shared much of an appearance with our father. People always told us that we resembled our mother a lot more. The only feature I share with him is our dark brown hair color. While Matthias has Father's nose, and piercing blue eyes, his hair color is dirty blond - like our mother's.

"Is this going to take long?" I grumble. "I have yet another unwanted appointment I have to attend in..." Keeping a bored expression, I check my watch for the time. "...about an hour."

"Can you not be a cocky piece of work for five minutes?" Charles snarls, his cold eyes dark as charcoal. "I called you and your brother here for a reason, now shut your mouth and listen."

After a few seconds of consideration, I submit, but no without a grunt of frustration. I fold my arms over my chest, and say, "Well, let's get on with it then."

Charles lets out a small huff of frustration, and begins. "Mattias, you are not the only one who will be taking up a few extra responsibilities around here. Andrew," he turns to face me, "you will be helping me around in the office until I find a better position for you around here."

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