Just One Girl

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Three Months Earlier

Bass poured out of the open doors of father's nightclub as I made my way towards the bouncer. There was no waiting in line nor an ID was needed for me to get in.

"Evening, Mr. Griffin," Jared - our bouncer of three years - said, letting me pass by and enter the club.

Music exploded in my ears, filling them with the rhythm of dance. Lights shot from left to right, changing in brightness and color. It was busy, like always. People were grinding against each other, talking, and of course, drinking. I walked up to the bar, leaned against the counter and asked for a martini.

The bartender sighed. "Andy, you know I can't. If your dad finds out, he'll have my head."

"Come on, Derek." I huffed out a breath of annoyance and continued. "The only way he'd find out is if you told him, and you and I both know that would be ill advised."

Derek sighed and grabbed the materials for my drink and had it sitting in front of me in under a minute. "If you get caught, you didn't get it from me."

I grinned and took a sip and a familiar burning feeling ran down my throat as I swallowed. "I was never here."

Soon my drink was gone and I'm on the dance floor with some brunette. Her body was close to mine as we continued to dance. When she was gone, I just moved on to the next girl that caught my eye, and the pattern continued.

A familiar voice called my name through the crowd and I instantly knew who it was. Bobby, my best friend for the past two years, was cutting through the crowd of people to get to me. His blond hair was even more messed up than usual, signifying that tonight's plans had gone a bit faster than usual. It was even more surprising to notice there was no arm candy attached to his side.

"Andy!" he shouted, giving me a hug, my body grew rigid and I forcefully pushed him off. He stumbled back a couple steps, but kept his balance in check.

"You're drunk, Bobby. Go home." Bobby then fell over, leaving me in charge of having to catch him. "Yeah, okay. Definitely drunk."

I lead him to one of the couches on the side of the club and sat him down. My attention was quickly drawn away from caring for my drunk friend, to a girl in a second flat.

Long blond hair flowed over her shoulders and just barely covered the exposed skin due to her showy dress. She looked young, too young for a place like this. Obviously a fake ID was used due to the drink in her hand. Every curve of her body fit snug in her red dress, you could tell just by her figure that she exercised quite a bit. She was also quite tall, standing at almost my height, but then again she was wearing almost five inch heels.

Following her onto the dance floor, I watched as she danced with a group of girls I found familiar, but I'd never seen her before. Her model-like figure swayed to the beat and I couldn't help but to be drawn to her. Like many men, my weakness was women.

As I made my way closer to her and her group, she finally turned towards me. Her eyes caught mine and her eyes shined with recognition. She graced me with a beautiful smile and looked away. Maybe she was flustered? I tended to make women a little nervous at times.

She continued to look down until one of her friends nudged her and forced her to look back up at me. "I've never seen you around here before!" I yelled to her over the music.

"What are you," she replied with a smile. "the welcoming committee?"

I let a chuckle escape my lips and said, "If I said I was would you let me buy you a drink?"

She looked back at her friends for a moment -who were obviously signaling her to agree- and then she nodded. "I'd let you buy me one anyway." she said. "You don't look like the kind of guy who would like to hear no for an answer."

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