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𝗦𝗜𝗧𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗔𝗧 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗦𝗟𝗬𝗧𝗛𝗘𝗥𝗜𝗡 𝗧𝗔𝗕𝗟𝗘 for breakfast normally would go like this; I sit by the first years, they call me a mudblood, make fun of me for living with muggles and then proceed to ignore me. Now believe me, I have considered saying, I'm adopted though I don't actually know who my real family is but if I'm being honest, I just don't care anymore. It's not going to change what they think of me so I might as well leave it at that.

This morning however I was being bombarded with questions regarding the troll incident.

"Did you really fight off a troll?" Pansy asked,

"I mean-"

"-What did it look like?" Crabbe asked.

"A troll?" I answered confused.

"It probably smelled your muggle blood," Malfoy sneered.

"Did it now?" I asked sarcastically getting up from the table and squeezing in between Ron and Harry who were sat opposite Hermione, "I kind of preferred being invisible," I sighed.

"Miss Granger... it has appeared you got lost and are sitting with the wrong house." Snape walked behind me.

"Yeah, I'm not lost Sir," I awkwardly smiled as he walked off.

"Of course, that explains the blood," Harry whispered staring at Snape, who was limping.

"What blood?" Hermione asked.

"Last night, Snape had an injury on his leg, I'm guessing he let the troll in as a distraction to get past that three headed dog," He spoke quietly so no one could over hear.

"What three headed dog." I asked.

"You weren't with us, but we ran into a three headed dog. Only Merlin knows why on earth that thing is there," Ron informed reaching over to the muffins,

"I told you, it was standing on a trapdoor which mean it's-"

"-It's guarding something, yes, yes I know, we just don't know what?" Ron sighed finishing her sentence.

"We could ask Hagrid, he might tell us?" Harry suggested.

"Hagrid?" I asked confused once more.

"The half giant that we saw at the beginning of the year," Hermione quickly answered.

"Yeah, we could go see him tonight?" Harry continued.

"Okay, well what about me?" I sulked.

"Leave your common room at seven, we'll come and meet you outside the dungeons," Ron smiled.

"Alright, plan."

The day went quickly, I couldn't wait to go on this adventure. I checked the time; 6:53

I left my dorm and walked through the common rooms, walking straight past the other Slytherins sitting there. And to my luck no one said anything to me. "Elle!" Hermione hissed, I look forwards and she waved her hand to go join her.

I quickly jogged over and was greeted by the three, "Let's go," Harry said leading the way to a small hut on the grounds.

The door opened and there stood Hagrid with a big grin, " 'Ello 'Ermione, Ron, Harry and..." He looked at me.

"Eloise, Hermione's sister." I smiled politely.

"Oh, well nice ter meet yer, marvelous eyes you 'ave," 

"Thank you," I laughed taking a seat around a table with the others.

"Now, what can I do fer yous?" His oven dinged, everyone looked over and watching him take out a large round...egg? "Looks like yer jus' in time!" 

The egg began to crack. "Is that... a dragon?" Hermione asked and Hagrid nodded.

"That's not just any dragon, that's a Norwegian Ridgeback..." Ron exclaimed, "My brother Charlie studies them in Romania."

"Isn't he beautiful? I won 'im! 'Ello Norbet!" Hagrid beamed at the dragon on his table.

"Norbet?" I asked.

"You're giving it a name?" Hermione asked.

"Well of course, he's got to 'ave a name,"

"Does the three headed dog have a name too?" I asked, they all looked at me eyes wide, Ron elbowed me in the ribs, "Ow! That's the whole reason we're here, we might as well ask sooner or later," I gripped my side, scowling at Ron.

"How do you  know 'bout Fluffy?" Hagrid asked.

"Fluffy?" I laughed.

"Got lost and ran into it," Ron simply said, trailing off when the dragon began coughing little fire balls.

"Oh, he's fabulous!" Hagrid exclaimed, petting it, "He'll obviously need to be trained up a bit but anyway yer need to get back to the castle." Hagrid walked to the door, opening it.

"We'll see you later Hagrid," Harry said on the behalf of all of us and we ran towards the castle.

They all stood outside the dungeons with me, "It's so weird he got a dragon out of no where," I said crossing my arms. 

"Yep. He's always wanted one, he's told me." Harry said.

"Don't you think it's a bit suspicious, or am I going mad?" Ron asked.

"No we should talk to him about it but for now we should go to our dorms before we get caught," Hermione suggested and we all agreed.

"See you losers tomorrow," I smirked stepping through the portrait hole. A particular blonde was sat with a boy I'd never seen before, Theodore Nott. My plan was to just pass them with out saying anything but that didn't happen.

"You know I would say it's bad of you for hanging out with those Gryffindors but you're not exactly a real  Slytherin," Malfoy called out. I turned around and looked at his friend who was wearing a smug smirk on his face. 

"Why am I not a real Slytherin then?" I leaned on the sofa opposite them.

"Well muggle borns aren't exactly Slytherin  but what ever," He snorted as I walked off to my dorm.

[✓1] 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑 • Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now