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𝗜𝗧'𝗦 𝗕𝗘𝗘𝗡 𝗔 𝗙𝗘𝗪 weeks since me and the others have seen Hagrid so Harry said we should go see him at lunch but for now we were stuck in potions with Snape. 

"Today you have one hour and twenty minutes to make a potion that sounds simple; a Cure for Boils.  Although this being an effective remedy for boils, hives, pustules and other scrofulous conditions care should be taking when brewing,  prepared incorrectly and this potion will cause boils rather than cure them... begin!" Snape spoke in his dull voice. I was sitting with the others from Slytherin but not joining in their conversations. 

I put six snake fangs into the mortar and crushed it into a fine powder and put four measures of the crushed fangs into my cauldron, listening to the conversation going on at my table, Pansy was going on about her birthday is in a few days but by the looks of the boys faces none of them cared. I heated the mixture at 250 for ten seconds and waved my wand, then leaving it to brew started with the next half of the recipe.

I added four horned slugs to the cauldron watching the mixture turn a stronger shade of blue with each one I put in. I glanced to my left watching Blaise do his potion.

"Zabini wait!" I stopped him from putting in the porcupine quills.

"What why?" He pulled his hand away from his cauldron.

"You need to take the cauldron off the fire otherwise-" I stopped talking when Neville yelped. He did what Blaise was about to do which made his cauldron melt and create a horrid smell. He also got huge blisters and boils from trying to stop the potion from spilling off the table with his hands, "-Or that will happen..." I continued.

"Silly boy, were you ever taught how to read?" Snape snarled walking over to Neville, waving his wand clearing up the mess, "Finnigan take Mr Longbottom to the hospital wing, the rest of you, continue!"

"Good save Granger," Blaise smiled at me and took his cauldron off the fire. He dropped in the porcupine quills and the mixture emitted pink smoke, "Thank you! It's going just the way it should," 

"Your welcome," I softly smiled and continued with my potion.

I put some of the finished product in a vile and wrote my name on it, along with the rest of the class. 

"It's a shame that only a few of these vilies look the way they're meant to, nevertheless I will have them each looked at and graded by our next lesson," He paused and the bell went, was this man a psychic? "Off you go." He held the door open and let everyone leave. 

I was one of the last people to leave and saw my Gryffindor friends, I instantly smiled walking up to them. "Hagrids?" I asked with grin.

They all nodded and we walked to Hagrid's hut.

" 'Ello you lot, what yer doing down 'ere?" Hagrid, who was sitting on a chair outside his hut.

"We've come to see you of course," Ron smiled.

"And to ask what that - Fluffy  is guarding," I smiled.

"Straight ter the point  I see, anyway Fluffy isn't hidin' nothin'," Hagrid said defensively.

"That's not true though is it?" Ron smirked then turned to look at me and we both smiled.

"Wait Hagrid, where did you get that dragon egg from?" I asked.

"I've said, I won it off some fella," 

"What did the fella look like?" I asked again. The trio looked at me not knowing where my questions where leading.

"Well I never saw 'is face, kept 'is hood up." 

"He must of talked though?"

"Yep, he asked me 'bout Fluffy,"

I looked at him suspiciously, "Did he seem interested in Fluffy?"

"Well o'course! How often do you come across a three 'eaded dog?" He shook his head.

"Well Snape is going to steal what ever's down there!" Harry said.

"Snape? Snape is one the the people protecting...what's...down there," He trailed off.

"So there is  something down there?" I asked.

"Yer very good at interrogatin' people you," He looked at me, 

"Thank you," I smiled, I genuinely took that as a compliment.

"Listen, yer meddlin' in things that ought not to be meddled with. What evers down there is strictly between Professor Dumbledore and Nicholas Flamel - I should not  have said that," He shook his head.

"We've got to go." Harry smiled and speedily towards the castle, and we followed. "I can't believe you got that out of him!" Harry patted my shoulder.

"Well you know what they say 'Slytherins do whatever they can to achieve their means'," I quoted the sorting hat from earlier this year. They all laughed but I wasn't joking, that always has been one of my traits, "Anyway I want to go and enjoy what's left of lunch, you coming?" 

Ron opened his mouth to answer but Hermione quickly but in, "Nope. We're going to go the library and research Nicholas Flamel,"

"We are?" Ron frowned.

"How about you two go and get lunch and I'll go with Hermione to the library?" Harry suggested to Ron. We all agreed and split up and I obviously sat with Ron at the Gryffindor tables.

[✓1] 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑 • Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now