Our Ride

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Hey beautiful people :)

on the right is a picture of Hugh Dancy, the Lovely Mark Sole.

happy reading


"Yup." I replied, snatching up her wrist and pulling her down the stairs that were still intact. We sprinted past the man that was now effulged in flame, and out the front doors. We stood in the warm sunlight for a mere three seconds, before deciding to get a head start in escaping. May heard me muttering into my watch and looked at me funny. I smiled at her and gestured for her to keep running.

"How do you know where we are going?" He muffled voice was kidnapped by the wind and I had to put my ear to her lips to hear what she was saying.

"Just keep running north." I yelled back keeping my expression neutral. Secretly inside, I was excited to see how she would react when our ride showed up.

We ran in a dead sprint for one and a half kilometres until she gave up completely. We were now in the middle of nowhere, our surroundings covered in weeds, dirt and sweet smelling corn fields.

"We are going to die out here!" May cried dramatically, throwing her hands over her head to protect herself from the over friendly sunlight.

"Seriously? Is that how much you trust me? I have to say, that's a little insulting." I chuckled.

May glared at me icily. "I don't see a way of escaping this one Avery."

"I do!" I yelled pointing up into the blue, cloudless sky. I could just see the faint silhouette of a helicopter heading our way.

"What? No way!" May gasped as she squinted into the sky. "Na, uh Avery that's not for us. You couldn't have made a helicopter come just for us."

Her reaction did not disappoint.

"Why won't you grasp the fact that im a teenage spy? Im a million dollar weapon! I work with the C.I.A to put bad people in the slammer! I have connections!" I was getting frustrated with May's negative attitude.

The wind whipped our hair around our faces and the dirt road became unsettled as the helicopter landed. We clambered in and I fist punched the pilot while May sank shyly lower into her seat.

"Mark, this is May." I introduced them.

"Hey, how's it going?" Mark smiled warmly at May who stared back suspiciously.

"Good thank you." May blushed taking his hand and shaking it. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the troupes running towards the helicopter, guns in hand.

"Mark I think we should go now, you know before we get blown to smithereens."

"Right." He started the machine and we rose rapidly. The roaring in my ears, mixed with the dull ringing from the explosion was giving me a head ache. I pulled on the head piece and Mark started talking at once.

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