Battle Field

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As I jogged through the swarm of trees, I looked around casually, subtly analysing my escape routes. With each leap, the sunlight pouring through the gaps in the green canopy above my head briefly blinded me giving me a disadvantage on the opponent. Just a minor setback, but a big enough one to cause worry lines on my forehead.

After 100 meters of jogging, I quickly changed to a sprint. When I reached A sturdy looking tree, I stopped taking a mere five seconds to catch my breath. I bounded into the low braches of the tree, and used the reaching arms to haul myself up higher, out of the enemies line of sight. When I was sure there was no one around to hear the rustle I was making, I unhooked my machine gun from around my neck and hung it on a branch and took off the saftey. I protectivley patted my amo necklace, smiling knowing that this was my advantage in the attack.While my enemies would run out of thier amo, and have to retreat to other methods of combat, I would all up in thier faces, poking my gun in thier temple with enough amo to kill an army. Yeah bitch, this was going to be epic.

I froze quickly in the process of tying up my hair when i heard the distinctive rustle of someone approaching. I quietly moved my position, raising my gun to my shoulder and aiming at anything that moved. A man appeared from the bushes, wearing a mask of cautiousness and firece determination. He looked all around, his gun poised high on his shoulder as he swung in all directions. My head snapped to the side as i heard a twig snapping under someones foot in the opposite direction. I looked back quickly enough to see the other man had heard it too and was diving into a near by bush. I winced when i looked at the leaves and saw it was poison ivy. Man #2 emerged from the bushes with a bow and arrow clenched in his beastly hands. Man, it would hurt to punched by one of those. He looked around briefly before crying out a bad bird call. I cringed at how obvious it was and waited for the bullet hole to form in his head.

To my suprise, I heard Man#1 reply with a rather weak sounding bird call of his own.

"Steve?" Man #2 hissed.

"Over here Tim. Any sign of the girl?" #1 called back, stepping out of the bushes, nursing the left side of his face which had grown puffy with the poison.

"Jesus Steve! Now your a liability! How are you supposed to kill the girl now?"

I obviously knew that I was the girl, seeing as all the other people fighting for thier lives in the bush were all men.

"Obviously not useless enough; seeing as i can still aim a gun at your head!" Steve snapped, holding his gun up, pointing it into Tims right eye.

"Point taken, now lower that thing before I hit you over the head."

"What are we going to do about serial1342?"

"Well everyone here is out to get her so she cant last very long. Shes hardly our problem at all, we just need to lie low and wait for someone to shoot her."

"Good plan."

Well this was news to me. I smiled at the challenge. 12 heavy built, middle aged men who hold heavy machinary and a thirst for violence. simple. I perched a gun  on my shoulder and aimed at #2's neck. I let go of the trigger and the dart whizzed through the air, sinking clean into #2's neck. As he made a choking sound and slumped on the ground, #1 let out a startled cry and swung his gun around, searching for the source of the dart. soon, one was in his neck too, as he slumped against his partner on the ground. I quickly jumped down and frantically dragged the two middle aged men into the bush and camoflaged them with leaves. I soon jumped back into the tree and awaited my next prey. 

They came quickly enough, four men stepping through the bush, weapons raised. Like the others, they didnt notice me watching them in the tree. They surrounded the dirty plain taking slow, suspicious steps.

"Whos there?" The biggest one yelled, his voice a rumbling echo in the late winter air. I pulled an arrow from the sheath I stole from #2s back. I loaded it into the bow and took aim. I snapped the nylon back and let it go, the poison tipped arrow sinking into the mans chest. The other men took a few seconds to react, and that pause was the only motivation i needed, sinking arrows into every other mans chest as they collapsed onto the ground.

I leaped down graciously, very pleased with myself. I had shot 5 men on the way to my tree and shot the other 6 up in my tree. New Record for me, 11 men in less than 5 minutes. I punched the air triumphetly but then something alarming crossed my mind.  There were 12 enemies in the battle field.

"Nice to see you again." A familiar gruff voice rang out from behind me and i had time to utter a short scream before a blinding pain in my neck and loosing the use of my legs. I had been shot in a critical way and there was nothing I could do about it.

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