Shoot Me, I Dare You.

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"Don't Shoot." I reasoned with the assassin while my friend's life was on the line.

"You don't need to shoot her; it would just be more blood on your hands. She had nothing to do with this."

May was shivering, standing against the brick wall with her hands above her head. Her eyes were wide with fright and I could see them pleading with the attacker to give her mercy.

"She knows too much. Might as well exterminate her as well." He muttered, a bead of sweat sliding down the bridge of his nose. I could see his pulse beating in his temple as he juggled with mine and May's life.

"Look, I have five hundred dollars right here in my pocket. If you let her go and just kill me then I'll give you it now. "

"Or I could kill you and take the money. Two profits in one." He winked at me.

I had taken my pocket knife out of my back jean pocket while he was taking to disguise the rustling noise as his droning voice. I began to get to work, cutting the ropes that bound my hands together behind my back. I was Hot, sweaty, tired, cranky, hungry, and incredibly frustrated so I was no mood to add deceased to my list.

"Chicken Shit." I sneered at him, my mouth twisting up into a cheeky smile. He grunted and turned the gun at me. I could hear May gasping quietly in the background. I rolled my eyes. This whole vulnerable and defenceless theme I had going for me was just a mask. I was a professional. This would be a piece of cake.

I scanned my surroundings quickly thinking up a plan. The assassin, obviously a rookie because he was dumb enough to hesitate, had us kept in an old barn. There was a plastic petrol can in one of the corners, which would hurt immensely if I poured it in his eyes. There were three doors - well, one was actually a window, but still counts. One was at the front, one was at the back, and the window was up the ladder and onto the second floor of the barn. I couldn't see the window but in every country movie I had seen, there was always a window at the top of the barn, so I thought I'd take my chances.

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