Mornings Are Overrated.

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I woke to the loud sound of unwrapping paper and unnecessary squealing. I grouchily pulled on my robe and slippers and stomped to the door, heaving it open and glaring icily at the startled agent and his girlfriend having a ball outside my room.

"What is the meaning of this?" I hissed through clenched teeth.

"Agent Lu, don't you know what day it is?" Agent Winston looked lovingly at his girlfriend, making me gag in the process.

"No, and does it look like I give a damn?"

"It's Valentine's day. Maybe I should tell General to make your bedtime earlier." He muttered, still making ooey gooey eyes at that girl standing in front of him. I could tell she was scared, and was nudging Agent Winston urgently. I know I look bad in the morning but sheesh!

"Don't get her worked up honey. I heard she's dangerous." The girl whispered feverishly.

I barked out a single loud laugh. "Im not an animal, trust me, im just not a morning person. Keep it down, okay?"  

And with that, I marched back into my room, slamming the door behind me, encasing my room in darkness. I jumped back into my warm and inviting bed, muttering "didn't we just have Christmas?"

I woke a few hours later at, what I thought was a reasonable time for waking up. I yawned and opened my curtains, revealing a sunny cheerful day. It would be a wonderful day for training but since it's now a public holiday, I guess that plans off the list. I sighed and stalked into the kitchen, grabbing some peanut butter and a knife.

I turned around and was greeted by the general. He eyed my peanut butter and knife combination disgusted.

"What? It's nice!" I said defensively as he stared at my substitute breakfast distastefully.

He grunted while shaking his head before reaching into the cupboard and pulling out a nutbar. I grimaced as he shoved the whole thing in his mouth, and stared back down at my penut butter - suddenly put off.

"Are you training today?" He asked through his mouthful of nuts and raisins.

"Is that an option?"

He looked at me, his withered features twisted with confusion. "Why not?"

"Dont you know its a public holiday? Or are you just as out of touch with the world as me."

"We just had Christmas." He grumbled into the table top. I smiled at how alike we were.

"My sentiment exactly." I replied before grabbing a bowl full of Nutrigrain and making my way to Mays room.

I knocked on the door lightly before hearing a muffled; "Yes?"

I opened the door gently and closed it without slamming it. Theres always a first. I made my way casually to her bed setting the bowl sloshing with milk and cereal down infront of her.

"Yum." She murmured snatching up the spoon and forcing it down her throat.

"Probably missing those belguim waffles right now eh?"

She shook her head in response. "This is repulsive. I guess its something though."

I had gotton used to Mays rich girl personality over the 7 years I had known her. "Its what I have everyday. And penut butter."

"Umm okay?"

"Do you want to call your parents and tell them your staying with me? they must be worried."

"Probably not. As you know, they dont even notice me half the time. But I guess it'll be best not to get the police involved when they finally realise ive been missing over 48 hours. hand it over."

I passed her the phone, knowing personally that her parents loved her more than she would ever know. they often told me, for reasons I couldnt explain.

I left the room, listening to her mutter excuses to her frantic mother. Something Id never had to become familiar with.

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