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Izuku had been testing his limits all day. Even shoto found himself being slightly annoyed with the green haired boy, but he tried to keep his patience. Maybe Izuku was just tired today, he had been doing a lot of extra training and studying recently... they all had. It had been a while since all three of the boyfriends were able to just take a day off and relax together. They were all exhausted.

Still, he knew that the behavior was going to catch up with the both of them, Katsuki would definitely not be as lenient as Shoto was, his temper always short in fuse... especially when it came to discipling Izuku.

Shoto sighed, running a hand through his peppermint colored hair. Izuku's attitude had been raging all day, starting from the moment he woke up this morning. He looked over to where the small boy sat on the couch, eyes glued to his phone, ignoring everything else around him. They had moved out from the dorms together a few months ago, opting to move into a small apartment just outside of campus.

"Zuku, why don't you come help me get dinner ready. Bakugo will be home soon." todoroki looked at izuku expectantly . Normally, Izuku would have jumped at the chance to help Shoto, especially in cooking dinner for the three of them.

Izuku rolled his eyes, huffing before turning his back to shoto, snuggling further into the armrest of the couch. Oh? Well... okay.. Todoroki was confused by his behavior, but never was one to punish izuku, he left that entirely up to Katsuki. Shoto sighed, clearly upset by his smaller boyfriend's behavior, but ruffled his emerald curls nonetheless. He gasped when Izuku huffed, and smacked the hand away.

Shoto stared in shock, holding his now stinging hand to his chest, eyes wide and confused. What the hell had gotten into him? Izuku glared, eyes narrowing into small slits. He was almost daring Shoto to react, to yell or scream. Luckily, Katsuki had picked the perfect time to return from his workout session with Kirishima. The door rattled against the wall when it closed, Kastuki removed his shoes and yelled into the quiet house that he was home. He waited to hear Shoto's routine "Welcome home!" greeting, or the sound of Izuku's feet padding against the hardwood to come attack him in a hug. When he was met with silence, he knew something was wrong. Furrowing his brow, he walked further into the house eyes scanning around until they landed on his boyfriends in the living room. He eyed them carefully, noticing the sharp pinched look on Izuku's face and the shock written all over Shoto.

"What's going on here?" katsuki questioned. He was asking both of them, but knew Shoto would most likely be the one to respond. Izuku huffed at the question, glaring harshly at kasuki before rising from the couch and stomping out of the room. They watched as his small figure retreated down the hallway, Shoto cringing as the door to their bedroom slammed roughly against its frame. Uh oh..

"What the fuck? " Katsuki yelled angrily. He could feel his face and neck heating up, the disrespectful attitude wouldn't fly around here... surely Deku knew this, he had been punished for acting this way before. Had this been going on all day? Katsuki couldn't help but wonder what had gotten into him. He turned his eyes to look at his other boyfriend, the most rational of the three of them.

Shoto sighed, hand slowly creeping to the back of his neck to rub nervously. He closed his eyes tightly, hoping Katsuki would take it easy on Izuku. Maybe Izuku would turn his behavior around by the time dinner rolled around, that was honestly his only chance to not have his ass torn apart, at this point. Shoto wouldn't be able to help him against Katsuki's wrath if this bratty attitude continued.

"He's had a rough day today" Shoto mumbled, peaking an eye open to find Katsuki watching him intently. Shoto tried to roll the stress from his shoulders as he spoke to his blonde boyfriend.

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