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Can you please do a Dabi X Izuku noncon?

Where Izuku bumps into Dabi while going for a little walk, so the patchwork villain takes it upon himself to drag the young hero to an abandoned warehouse and break him. With a finishing touch of sending a photo of Izuku all creampie'd and fuck out to U.A. Loss of virginity/rough sex/rough oral too



rape, Noncon, rough sex, rough oral sex, Forceful loss of virginity!!!

please read at your own discretion!
my inbox is always open if anyone ever needs to talk about anything! <3 

It was late, the streets empty and illuminated by street lights. It was beyond time to be going out for a stroll, Izuku knew this. It was definitely not a safe choice to be out wandering around at this time of night, especially in this part of town. But he just... needed to clear his head. The stress of trying to improve his inherited quirk and to become the next symbol of peace weighed heavily on his shoulders.

"You're next." All Mite had told him that, and while the rest of the world didn't know it was directed at one person individually, the message was received loud and clear by young Midoryia. It was up to him now. The future, the fate and peace of humanity... it all rested atop of his young, unprepared shoulders. Could he live up to be what All Mite had?

He was so lost in thought, that he hadn't noticed the figure following him. Dabi was surprised that the little hero hadn't taken note of his presence, he was quite the inquisitive little fellow after all. Always quick to note his surroundings, and he was able to analyze situations and quirks with relative ease. " Something must be on his mind, he's distracted.. Lucky me" Dabi thought to himself, smirk stretching across his face. An opportunity like this would not present itself again, he was sure of it. To find the young hero in training out this late, unguarded and alone was like dangling a piece of fresh meat in front of a hungry predator. It was like asking the lion not to attack the injured gazelle... nature simply did not allow it.

He closed in on midoriya, only a few steps away from him now. With a stretch of his arm, Dabi would be able to brush midoryia's back with his fingertips. Did midoriya take notice of his presence? If he did, he didn't show any signs of it. He kept walking, head cast down as meaningless mumbes flowed freely from his plump, pink lips. "Idiot." Dabi thought, "leaving himself out in the open, in a place like this? He's asking for it."

Dabi noticed the incoming alley to the right of them, and he made the split decision to pull Midoryia inside, slamming his small body roughly against the brick wall. Izuku gasped, air forcefully leaving his body as he was slammed against the wall. His head bounced against the brick, eyes closing in pain. He shook his head, trying to clear the white spots from his vision. He needed to focus, he was being attacked. He felt stupid for not noticing someone being so close to him. The person had grabbed him from behind, no doubt meaning they had been behind him for some time. How had he not noticed them?

"Well, well... what's a sweet little hero like you doing out here all alone at this time of night, hm" dabi mocked, head tilted in faux curiosity. Truthfully, he didn't give a shit about why Izuku had been moping around... but the idea of toying with him was intoxicating. Izuku struggled against his hold, trying desperately to free himself from the rough hands pinning him to his spot. His pale skin lit up green, an indicator that he was able to use his quirk. Dabi merely raised an eyebrow in amusement, raising his free hand to present a small, blue flame in front of izuku's emerald eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2020 ⏰

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