𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 20

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"Just shut the hell up will you?" I snapped and that cause Sister Ye Jin to flinch slightly. "Na Ra dear... are you alright?" She asked gently and the whispering is gone. I look up at him and breathes heavily, gulping down my fear. I begin to get hiccup as I am actually holding back my tears. "Come here, child." She hugs me tightly. Why is her hug not as warm as before. "Come on lets go inside and tell me what happened." She said as she stroke my hair. Probably she heard me sobbing.

I told her what happened between Sung Hoon and Hyuna and ever since that incident, I don't feel good. Like as if I am holding back my anger and vengeance built within me. "You find it hard to accept the truth Na Ra. You weren't ready for it. No one will be ready for such occurrence." Sister said as I helped her setting up the dining table for the children in the orphanage. "Did you talk to him?" I shake my head as I bring out the food and serve it on the table. The children slowly coming in and settle down at their assigned seat. I noticed one girl who keep staring at me and her mouth is muttering something.

"Who is that?" I asked Sister Ye Jin. "Oh thats Park Sonara. She's half Japanese and half Korean. She was left here because her parents disown her. They are afraid of her. They said she own the ability to see evil. I see it as a talent. She can learn more about exorcism in the future and help the church community out." Sister explained. We settled down at the table where other nuns are. "Shall we say our grace?" Sister Ye Jin asked. We closed our eyes and as they recite the grace, my mouth is too heavy to even recite it. It is as if my whole body paralyzed until the grace ends. I gasped for air and look around hoping that no one notice what just happened.

They all begin to dig in and I look at the food which seem less appetizing for me. A bowl of chicken soup, rice, sweet and sour pork and lastly stir fried vegetables. I just take the bowl of chicken soup and take a sip on it. "How's work by the way?" Sister Ye Jin asked and I look at her before smiling a little. She still seems calm after I 'shouted' at her earlier on. "It is fine just a little tiring you know to clear up the leftovers that the previous secretary left for me. But I'm able to manage it." I replied and look at the children, realizing that the Sonara girl is still looking at our table. "Sonara is pretty.." I said as I look at the dark hair girl with bangs neatly rest on her forehead.

"She is. You can talk to her if you want to after dinner." Sister Ye Jin said and I nod my head. I finally managed to finish up the food and help out at the kitchen. When I approached Sonara, she tend to back away from me. "Don't worry she's a little bit shy." Sister Ye Jin told me. "Sonara, this is Kim Na Ra. You girls almost have the same name. She grew up here in the orphanage until she left for college." The sister told Sonara. She shakes her head and immediately run away. "Ah that is fine. It is understanding I guess." After we talk, I decided not to stay any longer. I bid Sister Ye Jin goodbye and immediately left the church. As soon I am out of the church area, I felt relieved. Like as if it is normal breezy night. I swear it was humid when I was in the church earlier on.

Namjoon POV
"She's out." Jungkook said as I turned to look at the other side of the car window and saw Na Ra breathing heavily. The aura surrounding her tells me that she actually suffered while she is in the church. "Do you think something happen to her while she's inside?" Jungkook asked and I shrugged. "I don't know." I start the car engine and drive away. "How did you know about the Sister wanting to invite her for dinner?" Jungkook asked and I focus on my driving. "I'm just good at digging, Jungkookie. You going to bring her to the charity gala event?" I asked and he nods. "Yeah I need to bring her further away from her god." That was his reply.

"Anyway Yoongi and Hoseok is currently keeping an eye on Hyuna. Last update I received, she seems fine." I told Jungkook and her turned to look at me. "That is the beauty of this whole deal, Namjoon hyung. Your offering got rejected but your deal still goes on. However she won't get to experience it fully. She'll die tragically. Trust me." Our drive home remained silent and I notice Jungkook has been feeling uneasy ever since Na Ra enters the church. "You want to tell me what you felt when she was inside?" I asked as I got out of the car along with him and enter his Mi Casa.

"I felt hot the entire time. Like a little tightness and suffocation. Na Ra really felt uneasy back there. Like even the food she ate, she hate it but she still finish it up." Jungkook said as he takes off his blazer and hand it to Aunt Yoong who greeted him and I. "Well you should be happy, Jungkook. The ritual drink works. Slowly, she will crawl to you and the next thing you know, you have her all wrapped around your fingers." Namjoon said as he stretched his body. "I'm off to bed. Hope you enjoy tonight's entertainment. Goodnight Jungkook." With that I left him and head up to my room.

I reached home feeling a little overwhelming of what happened earlier on at church. I snapped at Sister Ye Jin, I couldn't read the grace and even Sonara run away from me when I tried to be friend with her. What is happening? What with all the changes...I switched on the television to not let my house be too silent. It has been to quiet ever since she left. The news comes up again with a report about the death of an investigator this morning.

"Victim goes by the name Lee Kihyung was found dead this morning in the most horrifying scenario. The following image may be disturbing." I turned and look at the tv screen when I saw the body is tied up vertical inverted position with his hands wide spread open. It is disturbing but he looks like Jesus that has been crucified but on an inverted cross. The victim seem familiar but I can't recall where or when did I met him. I felt nausea suddenly and had to rush to the bathroom and vomited out all the food I ate for dinner. Hard to believe that the orphanage serve such disgusting meal. Now that I am in a mess, I decided to take a shower. And right now I am Thankful that my period ends earlier than I thought. I'm clean at last. One less pain to suffer.

While I was getting ready to get dress for bed, my doorbell rang. I tightened my bathrobe and walked out of my bed and head to door. When I opened it, it was Sung Hoon standing there looking shattered. "Na Ra... baby... I can't do this right now. I have no strength to face all these alone." He said as he pulled me into a hug. I tried to push him away but he is strong.

"I lost my best friend Na Ra. Kihyung died today and I am just devastated. I can't grieve alone." He said as I finally managed to push him away. Why am I not feeling anything for this man. His tears, I see it as a fake crocodile tears. He deserve this minor suffering. First he lost me now he lost his good friend. "Why didn't you go to Hyuna and find comfort with her instead? I'm sure she will give you a comforting night." I snapped and when I was about to close the door, Sung Hoon stopped me by holding my wrist. I glare at him.

"Fine you want to talk? We shall talk. But not here. Lets go to The Royals instead shall we?" He look lost but he agrees. Probably he thought we will be drinking. He thought wrong. "Let me go and get ready. You wait outside." I told him and walked into my room. I found a red short dress that the woman bought for me when we went to our first party together. It was tight and showing off my curves. I put on a different kind of make up tonight. Mainly focusing on my red lipstick. He wants grieve, I'll make sure he cries tonight. Before I left I wore a long coat over due to the cold weather and immediately, I unlock my phone and texted Jungkook.

"Meet me at The Royals in half an hour time. I'm sure you will like what I have in mind."

(A/N: A quick warning of what is coming in the next chapter

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(A/N: A quick warning of what is coming in the next chapter. ⚠️🔞🤫)

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