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song of the chapter:"rack city"-tyga

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song of the chapter:
"rack city"


The day was Monday and Adrestia was long gone at work

Zoe, Cal, And Rae sat on the couch with beers in hand waiting for their guests to arrive

"I can't believe how many pictures Adrestia has" Cal said looking at the multiple boxes in amazement

Rae nodded "They definitely take up a good amount of space"

The knock at the door made the three look to their left

"Coming" Rae yelled getting up and unlocking the door to find three members of Mötley Crüe

"Hey sweets" Vince said as he leaned down to peck her on the lips

The other two proceeded in and waved at Zoe and Cal

"Woah are you guys moving or something?" Tommy asked

Zoe shook his head and took a sip of his beer "No we wanted to go through old photos"

"Sick" Tommy said jumping in the space next to him and grabbing a beer off the floor

Nikki looked down confused "where is your guys coffee table?"

Cal put his head down in shame "don't ask"

The six of them began to open boxes and look at all the events Adrestia had documented

"When was this picture taken?" Tommy asked

Rae chuckled "That was Adrestia's punk phase, god that hair lasted for years"

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Rae chuckled "That was Adrestia's punk phase, god that hair lasted for years"

Vince looked over Tommy's shoulder "She was a hot orange head"

Nikki sat on the arm chair looking in shock at the Polaroid he picked up, he felt his leather pants grow tighter at the image in front of him

"What you got there Nikki?" Tommy said standing beside him "Holy shit!"

The rest of them stood up and huddled around him "Holy shit!"

There on the devolved film was Adrestia with a lollipop in mouth staring up at the camera with her chest in full view

Tommy quickly reverts his shock to the banana in Nikki's pants

"Oh my god, Nikki has a boner!" He exclaimed as Nikki tried his best to cover his crouch with his arm

"No I don't tommy" He said in a shaky tone

Vince was clutching over in laughter "Dude you got a fucking boner from Adrestia"

The door opened and in stepped the women of the hour

"Who got a boner from me?" I asked confused on what the hell I just walked into

" you won't...believe it" Zoe said trying to contain his laughter

Behind him sat a nervous Nikki looking anywhere but me

"What happened in here?"

word count: 420

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