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This will the last book for this story. Enjoy!

Remember Yn and Chresanto kids. Trent, Trey, Chresanto Jr but they call him Chres, Cherish, Christina, and Christen. And Melinda and Craig kids. Melissa and the triples Miranda, Michael, and Marcus. Well now there older.

Trey and Trent are now in highschool, they will be seniors when they go back to school.They are 17.

Cherish and Melissa are 12 years old and their in 7th grade.

Christina and the triples are 8 years old and their in the 3rd grade.

The twins, Christen and Chresanto Jr, are 3 going on 4.

Yes all the kids has grown up.

By the way..Its 4 years later.

Guys if your reading please comment and like. Atleast like. THANK YOU! ENJOY!

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New Beginnings : Sequel To Starting Again : 5th BookWhere stories live. Discover now