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~10 Weeks Later

Trey POV

Im on my way back from seeing Trent. He's still in a coma. Even though his not my blood brother,i still really care for him like a brother. We met at 5 years old and been bro's since. To see him like that really makes me mad. Yeah,I cried,so what. Niggas cry. Im 2 blocks from home. Mom insisted on coming to get me but i wanted to catch the bus to be alone. As I was walking from the bus stop,this guy from behind called my name.


Trey-who you?

??-does your leg hurt?

Trey-does it fucking look like my leg hurt

??-(shoots trey in the leg)how about now

I fall to the ground and hold my leg. I never been in so much pain. I guess people heard the gun shot and saw me and called the police. Crazy ass world. Two men help me and sit me up on a car near buy,and a lady hand me my wallet. A few minutes later a albumlance came and took me to the hosiptal.


Not my other baby. Why? A mother can only take so much. Who is doing this to my babies? I wish they stop. We been in the waiting room for a while now. Im ready to see my son. So I go to the front desk.

Yn-when can I see Trey Lopez?

Nurse-Yes,sorry for the long wait

We start walking to the room and Im so scared that im asking hella questions,that will be answered in a few seconds.

Yn-is he woke? Is he in a coma? Is he talking? How is his leg?

Nurse-ma'am he is fine,he just on crutches

Yn-(hug her)thank you

Nurse-you welcome,you can go in


I go in and trey is watching tv. When he looked at me,i smiled and he smiled.

Trey-hey mommie
Yn-hi baby,how you feeling?
Trey-much better,when they took the bullet out
Yn-i need to get you guys out of here,i cant keep letting you guys get hurt
Trey-its just some assholes
Yn-watch your mouth
Nurse-(comes in)sorry to interupt but here is your things(give trey a zip lock bag with his stuff and leave)
Yn-baby why you got two wallets?
Trey-I was thinking the samething,i only have one

Trey POV

I look in the first wallet and its mine. I look in the second one and it wasnt mine. I dont know who this guy is. But the name sound familiar. Maybe dad know.

Trey-mom,can you go get the rest of the family?
Yn-sure baby


I went back to the waiting room and ray was there.

Ray-is he okay?
Yn-yeah he fine,I was just about to get everyone to go see him come on


Everybody go in the room and surround Trey. I smiled at how happy the twins was to see him. Trey hands Chresanto a wallet. Chresanto looks in it and literally runs out the room. I run after him.

Yn-honey where you going?

Chresanto-just stay here please,until I come back okay?

Yn-okay,but where you going?

Chresanto-(kiss her)did you here what I told you?



Chresanto POV

I know exactly who did this to trey and trent and he's going to pay for it. I never been so mad in my life. Im speeding to his house. Im about to break every bone in his body. Once I get to his house,its a big gate around it. Fuck! I look upstairs and I see trixy walk pass a window.I get out the car and head for the gate.

??-This the guy that hurt our sons

Chresanto-what you doing here Ray?

Ray-I want to kill this guy for hurting Trey and Trent. I got your back


??-Ayee Chresanto what the fuck you doing?

Chresanto-Craig,what you doing here?

Craig-Yn called me and told me you ran off,who house is this?

Chresanto-The mother fucker that hurt my sons

Craig-well lets get his ass then

They get over the gate and Chresanto start screaming demetrius name very loud. Trixy come outside.

Trixy-are you crazy? what are you doing?

Chresanto-this mother fucker put both of my sons in the hosiptal,im finna kill his ass. Where he at?

Trixy-Chresanto shh,he's not some punk,he has alot of guns,just be quiet

Demetrius-I see where Trent gets his toughness from

Chresanto-how about you bring your punk ass out here?

Demetrius comes out and point the gun to Chresanto.

Chresanto-I've been shot before im not scared to get shot again

Demetrius-if i shoot you,you gone drop

Ray yell for chresanto to duck and ray tackle Demetrius and Craig gets the gun from him and they start stomping him,ppunching,etc. Then Chresanto take the gun from craig and points it at demetrius.

Demetrius-just shoot me,I tired of living anyway

Craig-Chresanto you kill him,you will go to jail and be away from your family for some years bro,come on before the police come

Chresanto-he stabbed and shot my kids

Craig-I know bro but dont you love your kids and yn


Craig-then we need to go Chres,lets go now

Chresanto-(looks at trixy)you knew didnt you


Chresanto-and you didnt fucking tell me

Trixy-please just leave before the cops get here

Craig pulls chresanto to the car and they drive off. 

Chresanto-he would of been died,if it wasnt for yall


New Beginnings : Sequel To Starting Again : 5th BookWhere stories live. Discover now