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Amethyst walked anxiously to the busy crowd aiming to get fast to where his father at, Furion at his head. Upon spotting the kid, some of the nosy people starts their usual gossiping and glaring at his direction. Some spotted his "usual" hunt in shocked never getting used to his skills to kill such large deadly creatures.

Making his way where the town hall is, a large hand found its way to his shoulders and rested there. Ame knew who it was according to the aura he perceived. Strong but gentle vibe ooze from the man that makes Ame cringe a little. He isn't used with acting clingy and all, it doesn't suit him well, that's what he thinks.

"Hey there little kid, how're you doing? Bet you've gone from another fiercely hunt huh, looking at that beast hmm...are you unharmed? Somehow gotten hurt? Are you-" before the man continue his non-stop blabbering Ame cut him off.

"I'm perfectly fine uncle Reim", Ame shushed. Smiling at the kids irritated face, Reim pat his head and pinch his cheeks happily like he usually do everytime he sees his "little nephew".

"Okay fine Ame," he sighed. He then let go of the kid and walks beside him. Ame continued his tracks then finally arrived at the large wooden double doors of the snow covered concrete building. Leaving the deers body outside knowing that butchers will automatically take it. Ame gets inside the building and search for his father's office, still alongside his uncle that is holding some kind of paper maybe concerning their town, Ame thought.

Getting to the last door in a specific alley inside the building. Ame look at the engravings on the door where chief can be read. Too fancy for his liking, he knocked three times and made his presence known by calling out for his father.

"Come in," answered by the voice inside. Ame twisted the door handle and lead himself inside the fine office. Walls are covered with images of achievements hanging in almost all corners, a collection of various frost magical beasts head fixed on a wooden board that are classified as high-leveled monsters are also hanged, serving as trophies of historical hunts. In the middle of the room sat a middle age man with build forged from years of fighting war, head full of knowledge through years of research and an aura of a menacing beast. This is the man who's an overly protective chief of his town and also super loving as a father.

"Chief Gale," Ame bowed with respect. "May I have a word with you Sir," he added.

"Of course son," his father smiled. "And please enough with the chief thing, Dad is enough for me." Ame smiled and nodded sitting on the chair in front of the desk and states his concerns.

"It's about the seekers Dad", Ame starts. "Their getting near the town and I think someone with the power is with them or even a spy." He lets out his thought without hesitation even though he's aware that at the time he mention the word spy, his father face became serious. Ame knows his father will not condone any misdoing under his regime and the thought of a spy inside his territory make his blood boiled in anger.

"I'm considering that matter son and already commanded my officials to conduct a silent investigation, hunting for the person who leaks our location in the forest. When I find out who is that person is or even if it is real that we have a spy in this town," Gale threatened, malice evident in his voice.

"I will kill him, myself."

Ame struggles to keep up with the tension his father's emitting and shifts uncomfortably in his sit. His father is a good and wise man as he is, but no one wishes to be in his bad list as he can be the most savages beast among all magical beast in the forest.

"That was intense brother but enough of that first," Reim cut in, easing the thickening atmosphere. "So I am here to inform you about the awakening ceremony."

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