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"I'm done!" Frank exclaimed. Feeling tired of all the running and push-ups Ame told them to do.

"These things are not magic training it's far from what I've expected, your just making us do dumb things."

Ame stared blankly at his direction, "you're dumb."

"You're such an asshole," Hans frowned as Ame just smirks at their tired figures.

While the two brothers argue and shouts their complaints to their mentor, Aria is continuing their task with no hint of doubt towards Ames actions. Asking no questions why are they doing this and that. She still did a couple of laps and some push-ups even though she's already tired.

Frank watch Aria still going. He shouts, "Why do you keep on doing it? " 

"That's nonsense."

"Because I'm not dumb like the two of you!" Aria scoffed continuing her tracks.

After finishing the routine Aria make his way to where Ame is standing and he handed her a flask of water. She immediately chugged it all down emptying the flask then make her way to the nearest bench.

"You're doing good sis," Ame feeling proud and happy that his sister is not doubting his acts like the two brothers did.

Aria smiled big almost showing all her teeth if it is possible. "Because I have the best mentor of course."

Ame blushed, "Indeed you have."

"Great my ass, all he made us do doesn't concern even a bit on wielding magic," Hans grumbled.

"Yeah he's just playing with us," Frank plopped down the bench. Sweat are all over his body and tiredness covers his face.

"Drop my lessons if you keep on complaining shits about it."

Ame feels his blood boiling and the non-stop grumbling of the brothers doesn't help with it. Hans was about to say something when Frank immediately cupped his mouth to stop him from blurting something he might regret later. Looking at Ame's reddening face both Hans and Frank know that it's time to stop their whining.

"We're sorry!" Both boys kneeled down and trembles, fearing that Ame might unleash his wrath to both of them. If such thing happens they know that not only bruises will be their souvenirs. They might actually die.

"Fuck your sorry! All you did was to complain but never understand the meaning of what am I telling you to do or even the purpose of it. Don't you know that building up your body to be fit and healthy is the first step to be able to gain much stamina and ryukh. It is also the first step in gaining control of your wielding, if your body is frail and weak your magic will devour you alive and controls you but if you are fit, having a clear state of mind, and handful of stamina and ryukh in your body wielding magic will be much easier," Ame's figure is fuming with anger and disappointment is written all over his face.

"How are you so sure?" Frank's voice broke because of fear not daring to look at Ame's glinting purple eyes.

"Let me the one to ask you another question. Look at me."

Frank hesitate to do what Ame ask him but ending on doing it so. Upon looking at him, he saw that Ame's eyes are glinting with purple spark. It shocked him at first but found it somewhat alluring, he feels his cheek heating up but avoided it before anyone notices.

"How do you think I was able to wield my magic to this extent without losing control of it?" Ame questioned calmly.

It does made sense Frank thought. It is indeed true looking at Ame's figure and his ability to wielding his magic without sweat.

Child Of The Moon (Book 1: Joint Universe)Where stories live. Discover now