K. Tetsurou x Reader

547 13 1

You should've just asked

You shifted one arm slightly so your school bag could sit better on your shoulder. Your other arm held an umbrella to shield you from the rain as you made your way back home. Today your club meeting was cancelled, and you decided to take a new route home, and decided to take your time. You walked at pretty relaxed pace, not really caring that a big load of homework and studying would be waiting for you at home.

You were so lost in your thoughts about random things, that you completely missed the cardboard box right in front of you. "I wonder what snacks I should pick up from the store toda- hey! Watch it!" You nearly tripped over the box you had just laid your eyes upon.

Dammit if I slipped I would've fallen into the muddy puddles, you looked down at the box curiously and squatted down to its height. As one hand was currently occupied, you had to open the box with the opposite. But before you could open it, it began to rustle. Then a few seconds later an adorable kitten popped out from the box. It leaned its head toward your hand eagerly. It must be seeking warmth from my hand, you thought. You pet it softly as you looked around for any sign of an owner. Finding no one you began to talk to the kitten.

"It's cold out here, isn't it, hm?" You wished to pick it up but instead you took the box with the kitten and placed it somewhere the rain wouldn't get to it. There happened to be a convenience store nearby so you squatted next to it and whispered, "Wait here, okay? I'll be fast," you gave it one last pet and stood up. You looked up at the sky and realized, it isn't raining anymore.

You closed your umbrella and shook off the water still remaining on it before wrapping the strap around it. You tucked it into your bag's side pocket and walked across the street to the convenience store. You purchased a carton of milk and a can of cat food as well as some snacks for yourself and ran out the door. The blankets on display were too big for that small box, and instead you settled for hand towels to wrap the kitten in if it was cold. As you were making your way back, you began praying that no one had taken the kitten before you could care for it. The cat food and milk didn't come free, of course.

Finally returning, you saw that the kitten was right where you left it, only this time there was a man by it. You gripped the plastic bag in your hands and prayed, Don't be a creep, don't be a creep. You were paranoid that this was a set-up by some creepy dude so he could kidnap you.  You stood behind the man awkwardly and piped up to get his attention, "O-oh, is she yours?". He flinched and turned around, holding the kitten in his arms. He looked to be about your age, maybe a bit older. Muscular build, ebony bed-head hair, and feline-like eyes. He stood up and that's when you thought, Damn he's tall, muscular, and good-looking. Definitely not the creep I would expe-. Your thoughts were interrupted when he spoke.

His deep voice seemed to echo through the quiet streets, "Yeah. I'm the father, actually," he looked at you seriously. You sucked in a breath, trying to hold in your laughter. He's got to be joking, right? Why would he say that?! He continued to stare at you, and it appeared that he was serious, but he too was having a hard time holding it. And then it happened. You burst out in laughter and it wouldn't stop. The man erupted in laughter as well and pretty soon, both of you were in tears.

A few minutes later you began to catch your breath, "S-sorry. Sorry. I'm so sorry, I just-...hah. Phew, okay," you inhaled sharply and exhaled. "Okay,"  you said more seriously this time, "Okay. Sorry it's just you really do look like a cat-..." You chuckled again. He smiled genuinely, "Nah, it's okay I get it a lot. My friends tease me about it here and there, so I figured, hey, why not make a stranger laugh?" He set the kitten down, "I'm Kuroo Tetsurou, by the way. And no he isn't mine. No, I just found this kitten a week ago, and I kept coming back every day after that." You nodded and squatted down to the kitten's height and began to feed it, "I'm (L/N) (Y/N). Nice to meet you, Kuroo. It looks like it's getting late, and I got homework to start. I'm sure your parents also are wondering where you are by now." He rubbed the back of his neck, "Yeah, that's true...Should I walk you home?" You smiled warmly, "I think I'm okay. My house is only a block away from here, and I also wouldn't want a stranger following me home, right?" He gasped in panic, "W-wait but that wasn't what I was-" You laughed, "Hey I'm only joking. I'll see you around sometime?" You turned on your heel and hurried home not waiting for a response. Maybe this should be my normal route home from now on, you thought.

The next day and every day after that, when your after-school club activity had ended you quickly rushed out to find the stray kitten again. You were quite "concerned" about the poor kitten, but really you needed an excuse to see that cute boy again. But little did you know, he would do the exact same thing for you. Some days you would stick around for ten minutes, and other days you could only stick around for two. But even to this day, you hadn't even exchanged numbers, so there was no way to meet him except on the very street where you found that stray kitten.

Today you were going to make an attempt at taking your relationship to another level. Or in other words, you were going to get his number. You did your hair nicer than usual, put on a little makeup, and wore your favorite perfume.

But the one day you try to do something nice--he doesn't show up. Here you were, alone with the stray kitten and you were visibly disappointed. You didn't bother hiding the disappointment on your face as you thought you were alone. "Dammit, he's not here. The one day..." You pouted. You fed the kitten, and you continued sharing your disappointment with it.

However, today Kuroo decided to play a little game with you. There was a bus stop that he decided to hide behind to spy on you. He took note of your frustrated face and snickered while coming out of his hiding spot. When you heard that oh-so-familiar laugh, you whipped your head towards him. "Gee, (L/N)-chan, I didn't know you were so fond of me? Did you wait for me?" You quickly stood up and crossed your arms, "I wasn't waiting for you...I just got here,". It was partly a lie; you had gotten there not even five minutes, but you were planning to stick around to see if he would show up. But of course you would never admit that. "I saw you pouting for five minutes straight while feeding our cat," Kuroo chuckled.

"Huh? So what are you, some creep? Watching a young high school girl from afar?" You shot back. He flinched, "No! That's not-...Never mind that. Listen, I was just messing around, okay? I meant to say that I saw you looked pretty upset and I wanted to cheer you up a little." He sat down and continued, "So I'll be here to listen to whatever troubles you're having. Right here, right now."

His statement made you stand a little straighter and you crossed your arms as you did so. Now was the time to tell him. "Don't you think we've known each other for quite a while now?" He nodded without any verbal response, waiting for you to continue. "Okay...So don't you think we've been close enough to exchange phone numbers or something?" You internally cringed, Ugh this is not how I wanted to ask... You expected to recite your prepared speech in order to ask him. But things don't always go your way, it seems.

This made Kuroo laugh uncontrollably. He laughed for two minutes straight or maybe longer, and wiped tears from his eyes. He didn't respond for what seemed like forever and finally he stood up. He caught his breath and wrapped his arms around you. You immediately returned the hug and rested your head on his chest. "To be honest," he began, "I thought you were gonna ask me out for a second..." You looked up and hit his chest and this caused another laugh to erupt from Kuroo, "Hey you didn't even res-" He shushed you, "It's my turn to talk. Anyway, since you didn't ask me out, I guess I will have to ask you out...So, (L/N) (Y/N) will you go out with me?"

You sucked in a breath, not processing his words. But you collected yourself and nodded. You didn't separate from the hug, but you embraced Kuroo tighter. Your acceptance made Kuroo ecstatic and extremely happy. "Yes! I knew you would say yes! Also, next time, (Y/N), don't get all upset. If you wanted my number earlier...

You should've just asked."

WEE WOO WEE WOO WEE WOO. Excuse me the cringe detector is in use and cringe is all over this chapter. I apologize for not updating as frequently as when I first began, but I procrastinate a lot. Also I wasn't sure if I liked the plot, so yes. If you don't like it, that's okay because I don't either! Next one will be better I hope! I'm going to try to make the next one an imagine! So this includes most of the characters on my list! Thanks for reading. Let me know if you have any requests or ideas for future chapters.

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