I. Hajime Song-Fic (feat. Kuroo)

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Let's Fall in Love for the Night
(Bold and italicized means lyrics)


Breaking up with a partner that you've been with for nearly two years took an incredible toll on you. How could it not? Being with Kuroo Tetsurou was an amazing adventure when you two first got together. But as time moves on, you realize that Kuroo wasn't the same man you met in the beginning. He's a jealous and overly-possessive type. Sure, having a possessive attitude once in a while seems sweet, right? But having to put up with outrageous scenes in public just couldn't sit right with you. You were a doctor, and you can't help the fact that both men and women see you for appointments. But it really didn't really bother Kuroo that you took care of random men and women, it was mainly the other male doctors that you interacted with. You always explained that in a hospital, it's strictly professional. There's no time to fit in unrelated topics unless you were on break. And when you were on break, Kuroo would harshly drag you out of your work environment and scold you.

Then came the time where it was time to stop. You decided enough was enough and you broke it off with Kuroo. No matter how many times you tried to fix things, your feelings just wouldn't go through his head and his heart. It hurt you, but what added salt the wound was the fact that he agreed. "I couldn't agree more. I'm tired of you," he said.

So here you were, laying on your bed buried in blankets and pillows, sobbing uncontrollably in the dark. The tears just wouldn't stop falling. After a good cry for who knows how many hours, you sniffed and sat up, searching hastily for your phone. When you found it, you scrolled through your contacts to message your best friend: Iwaizumi Hajime.


Iwaizumi POV:
7:35 a.m.
I trudged into my apartment, settling my keys, wallet and phone down on the small table by the door. I had just come back from a jog, and I wanted to freshen up. As I walked out wearing clean clothes, I heard my phone buzz.

You need a pick-me-up?

Y/N: ...Iwa? Can u come over? Sorry to bother you by the way...

Me: I'll be there in 25.

Y/N: Ok...

I rushed back out of the house forgetting that I needed to eat breakfast. But, judging by the way she's texted me so unenthusiastically, she must be having issues with Kuroo. I stopped by the store to get all her favorite snacks, like (Candy name), (Chocolate name), (Chip brand), (Type of ice cream), and (Soda/drink). I also got her some instant noodles in case she wanted me to stay past dinner.

I arrived at her house and knocked on her door. It took a few minutes for someone to answer, and when the door opened, I was met with (Y/N) wearing her favorite pajamas. Despite her puffy eyes and tear-stained face, I thought she was as beautiful as ever. Before I could greet her, she grabbed my wrist and forcefully pulled me into her house and slammed the door behind me. She didn't say anything and silently dragged me into her bedroom.

When we reached her bedroom, I awkwardly stood at the door and stared at the mess she's made with it. Her bed was not made, there were empty tissue boxes as well as used tissues that littered the floor. The blinds were shut, and the lights were off. The only source of light was coming from the tv right in front of her bed. She dragged her feet on the ground as she made her way to her bed, nearly tripping on an empty tissue box while doing so. When she sat on her bed, she turned towards me and held her arms open wide and whimpered. I took that as an invitation to join her in bed, but before I did that I dropped the snacks I bought by the door. I picked up the empty tissue boxes and I put the used ones inside the tissue boxes. I stacked them on her desk and decided I will throw them away later.

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