Feeling Embarrass

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Chapter 6

viLelouch's POV

First Day in Mohr's University

Andy and Donna met at the school entrance and walked side by side in the hallway.

Fortunately, their departments reside in the same building.

"So how's your apartment?" Andy asked.

"It's decent enough, spacious, I can't expect less of my brother. How about yours?"

"Well," Andy paused for a second, " I was able to persuade Dad to choose something an average student with a mid level working father can afford."

Donna shrugged while nodding, thinking—

'Here she goes again'

Well, to Donna, she respected Andy's decision in life to hide how capable her family is but there are times when she finds it to be superfluous.

Just who would not want to live in riches?

Sometimes, she wants to blow her friend's head with a baseball bat to put some sense to the brain.

"I got people to renovate it," Andy continued.

"I gave them my Detailed Interior Fit-out Design. I can move in by next week."

"Huh," Donna snorted. "Are you bragging your talent here Ms. Architect?"

Andy gently pecked her friends head, "I'm just applying what I learned in school you idiot."


There were a lot of students already when Andy arrived in her classroom. Her gaze roam around to look for a vacant seat.

As what the vibe everyone emitted, she could tell they were what they call a 'block section' , and so she had decided to occupy the furthest seat in the back.

Taking the seat, she was frowning while passively listening to the indistinctive chatters and gossips around not noticing that she had drifted to sleep.

Feeling the heaviness of her body, the pain in her neck, the weight of her eyelids and most of all, someone's annoyingly poking her arm; she lifted up her head only to notice that everyone's gaze are directed on her.

Puzzled, she looked for help from her Professor sitting on the edge of the table with one foot down on the floor; obviously waiting for her to say or do something, through her inquiring gaze.

'What the fuck is happening?'

To her disappointment, the professor just gave her a mischievous smile , telling her to figure out everything.

And that made her face palmed in embarrassment.

Sensing everyone is still waiting for an answer from her; the heck what's even the question, she thought maybe; since she's new, she needed to introduce herself.

Exhaling deeply and stood up on her feet, "I'm Kaileen Andy Lewis."

"Twenty one," she begun.

"I'm new here. I took up my first to third year of studying Architecture in University of Green City. I'm— ," she stopped.

She stopped after noticing the upward quirk of her classmates mouth telling her that they were barely holding themselves to laugh.

Noticing her uneasiness, the professor saved her from further embarrassment

"Right Ms. Lewis, I was just asking, what is Architecture to you?"


Andy felt like all her blood gone up to her face and her ears were fuming out the pressure.

She had never been this embarrassed before.

She could even hear a few laughing by then. They can't seem to hold it in anymore.

Collecting herself, she gripped her hand and answered the question.

"Architecture for me is an Art, a Technical Art that is present in our daily lives."

Everyone attentively listened. Andy, wanted to end her answer right there but the look in her professor suggests that she has to elaborate her thoughts so she continued.

"It is something we encounter everyday and yet it is also something that many rarely noticed."

"We live in a 50-Story Building, we go to shopping malls, we visit hospitals, we go to school, we go to parks , we drive along bridges and highways and many other more constructions created by one or several Architects."

"Architecture has the means to address form, color, light, reflections and shadows. The process of architecture is not for the passive. It requires involvement and so is commitment."

Without anything more to say, she bowed and returned to her seat.

There was moment of silence, a lapse of time before everyone recovered themselves. Their jaw literally dropped. Even the professor was constantly nodding and blinking his eyelids to composed himself.

"Very well said Ms. Lewis," he complimented.

Andy on the other hand, relaxed herself on her seat and vowed to never sleep in class ever again.

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