Acquantances and Friend

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Chapter 23

viLelouch's POV

Lewi's Villa

"So, does your Grandpa know you're bringing your friend over?" Kate Lewis asked.

They were eating dinner, Andy visited home.

"Yeah, he's okay with it," the girl answered after swallowing her food.

"I'm surprised you're letting someone in—I mean, into your 'personal' life," Mr. Lewis stressed the word personal.

"Nah, I'm just comfortable with her," Andy shrugged.

"Well, I'm surprised too," Kevin joined in. "I only knew Donna as your friend."

Andy groaned, "I have a lot of friends. I'm even friends with everyone in school."

Kate Lewis held her daughter's hand, "Dear, acquaintances and friends are two different matters."

Andy smiled. She can't argue with that.

"We're just glad to know you've got another friend you can lean on other than Donna," Mr. Lewis said while wiping his mouth.

He has those eyes who stared at her daughter showing how genuinely he meant every word.

Erika smiled, "Thanks Dad."


"Hey, you don't really have to buy all that," Andy pointed to the shopping bags Erika was carrying.

Erika invited the girl to go shopping with her. Well, she said to buy some necessities for tomorrow's trip but it seems not just necessities to Andy.

She's buying a lot.


"Why? I think I need them," Erika insisted.

Andy sighed, "Erika—"


'Don't call me that by ny name'

'Hearing your voice call my name sends chills down my spine' Erika complained in her thoughts.

"We are going to another city, a CITY not some remote area," Andy stressed out the word CITY.

"We can easily buy that," she added while pointing again to the bags only to caught Erika rolling her eyes.

They ate dinner before calling it a day dropping Andy to her apartment.

While unbuckling the seatbelt, Andy remembered something.

"Right, we're using my car tomorrow so give me your address."

Erika lifted up her brow, "I didn't see you ride one."

"Well, my apartment is just a walking distance from school so I don't see the need to use it," Andy explained.

Erika nodded, "Can I just take a cab and meet you here?"

Andy's brow met, "Is it too much for me to know where you live?"

Erika was taken aback with that, Andy sounded hurt.

"No, I mean I'll—"

Andy cut her off, "It's okay. See you tomorrow then," and got out of the car.


Erika rested her head on the steering wheel for a while before driving home.


Author's Note:

"Those who laugh with you when you laugh are acquaintances, those who cry with you when you cry are companions, and those who do both are friends."

- Matshona Dhliwayo

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