She's Gay

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Chapter 16

viLelouch's POV

On the following days, Andy and Erika's relationship has gotten better. They were now able to talk casually at school.


Erika's Apartment

It was late in the evening, Erika was talking to someone on her phone via a video chat.

"So— you like her?"

That was Mei asking, her cousin. Her closest bestfriend and they're of the same age. Unfortunately they live in different country for now.

"Not like that," Erika denied. "Just interested."

"What's the difference?" Mei teased.

"There is," Erika answered firmly. "A big one at that."


"You've been ANDY HERE AND ANDY THAT for awhile now— when was it?" Mei paused, she's reviewing her thoughts.

"Ah, since the beginning of your class," she continued.

"So, I'm really curious about her now."

Erika rolled her eyes, "So much for your curiosity."

"Yeah, and it makes me want to fly my way over there to meet her," she was grinning and smiling mischievously.

Erika shrugged, "You're bluffing."

"I'm serious."

Erika glared at her cousin, "Enough."

Mei laughed then suddenly became serious, "I miss you."

Erika smiled, " Come see me then, silly."

But it was a twelve hour ride on a plane to reach her in Capital City. So basically, Erika was challenging her cousin to come.

Every time Mei comes over she'd constantly complain about the long ride but still kept coming anyways.

She's her best buddy. The one she can always count on. That kind of friend who doesn't allow her friend to do stupid things alone.

Mei also was the sole soul who knew that she is — gay.

Yeah, Erika is gay—

... but she'd never been into a relationship with a girl. She never really had any romantic interest in the opposite sex either though she has many suitors.

She's damned gorgeous.

Well, Erika has come to realize her true self when she was in her senior years but kept it a secret and hold it in.

It was hard.

Back in those denial days, Mei has always been her close confidant and even up until now. Also, her cousin has been constantly giving her benefit of the doubt—

... that maybe she's just confused because she'd never really had fallen in love; that if the time comes when she'll fall in love with either a man or a woman, then maybe she would know her true self.

So until now, she's waiting for that magical thing everyone describes as 'falling in love'. Some says never to look for it , for it will just come and find you.

So she just hopes.

And it's not like she just hope and wait there idly. She'd been into relationship with a man; a few of them to be exact but she just don't feel it right.

And she did not even tell a word to her parents about her being gay. It would destroy them. She's their only child and they have a reputation to uphold. She has also this huge load on her shoulder of being the inheritor of their business.

So she's really just keeping it inside herself.

Currently, her mother has been arranging blind dates for her; like a son of a partner in business, a stake holder and the like, in which she just went along to give them some face but not anyone has piqued her interest or made her heart flutter.

But— but it's a different feeling when it comes to Andy; even when just the thought of Andy.

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