A Firefly to the Sun

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Chapter 48

viLelouch's POV

"Has anybody told you that your beauty is comparable to that of an angel?"

Erika at that moment was muted. She just stared at Kevin's dazzling deep brown eyes.

The man on the other hand could feel dark aura emitting from the girl standing beside Erika; his sister.

Andy pulled Erika's arm from her brother's hold.

"Sir, have you ever seen, somehow that angel?" She sarcastically asked.

"Oh, I'm afraid no."

"Then don't compare Erika to that angel or anything in this realm."

Andy tightened her grip on Erika's hand,

"Erika is beyond compare."

"It's as if you are comparing a FIREFLY to the SUN."

"It's not worth mentioning."


Kevin's expression became dull. He was caught off guard with that.

Also, he started to get pissed off as he can't find the words to talk back.


'Did I just lost here?'

"And aren't you being rude?" Andy continued.

"Kissing her hand without consent?"

At that time, Kevin glanced at his sister's hand holding Erika's then his face brightened.

"Oh, was I being rude?" He addressed it to Erika.

"N...no Sir. It's—," Erika stammered.

Kevin cut her off.

"I'm sorry."

"I was just mesmerized by your beauty."

"Is it wrong? That for a second, I saw galaxies in your eyes?"

"That for a moment there, I got lost and acted on impulse and kissed your hand?"

This time, Andy lost. She's flaring in anger.

'Damn sweet talker!'

Feeling all the blood running up to her face and ears, Erika could not think straight anymore.


The time continued to ran on that day as well as their tour.

What happened was still hot news spreading around. Erika would only just wryly smiled in all the teasing.

As much as she gave thoughts to Kevin's words and action, Andy's remarked weighted more and it made her thread her day not feeling her feet on the ground at all.

Meanwhile, as Kevin reached his car, he read a piece of paper handed by his personal assistant.

It was crumpled and it's from Andy.




Kevin ran to the kitchen as soon as he saw the silhouette of his sister on the main door on that evening.

His mother shot him a quizzical look as she was pulling something in the oven. His father was on the dining table already sipping his tea.

Andy came rushing to the kitchen with her nostrils flaring.

Kevin wryly smiled at the sight of her.

"Just what the heck did you do there?" She ran to give Kevin a beating.

Kevin ran around the table as well, away from his sister's grasp.

"What? I just had all the time in the world?" He was laughing.

Andy was pissed off, she grabbed the long ladle spoon on the table and pointed it to Kevin.

"How could you just kissed her hand when I haven't held it yet?"

"What? Are you this slow?"

"Slow your ass!" Andy again ran to hit her brother but Kevin just ran as well.

So basically, they were running around the table with Kevin laughing at her helplessness.

"Make a move already."

"Didn't you see those ravenous wolves around her?"

"She's a catch."

"I know and I'm on it." Andy stopped her chase.

"Just don't meddle, okay?" She added then gulped a glass of water in the table.

She shot another look at her brother.

"And don't talk to me about making a move or confessing when you haven't done it yourself."

"Wow, I haven't?" Kevin snorted. "I've had a lot of girlfriends in my lap."

Andy pointed her finger gesturing her brother for a warning.

"They're just your flings brother."

"Talk to me when you truly have fallen in love."

"Wow," Kevin uttered sarcastically then turned to look for some help from his parents. Both just only shrugged.


Author's Note:

Join— discord.gg/RMJAEMC

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