The First Day!

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*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

Kokichi slowly opened his eyes when he heard that sound and groan looking at his clock, the one that was making the beeping sound, and turned it off. He sighed and noticed why he put that alarm on. "It's the first day!!" He was really excited thinking it would be different then the other schools. Where he got bullied.

He quickly showers, got changed to the uniform the school gave him, and put the old school item he had in his backpack and replaced the items with the new ones that his dad brought him. He was really excited. But he then thought.

'what happened if it's just like the others... What Happened if I get bullied there? Dad would always tell me to ignore them and move on... But I'm always feel like he doesn't understand what's I'm gonna be dealing with....'

He then snapped out of it.

' No I need to show dad that I can do it! I can survive this school!! I mean he been working hard all day so maybe I'll do the same! '

He then put a big smile on and grabbed his binder and put on his backpack. "I'm ready!!"

He then grabbed an muffin his dad left for him before he went to work and a note saying "have a good day son. I'm so proud of you - Dad" and that made me smile more. Knowing he got my back when I need him.

Kokichi ate his muffin since he had time and grabbed his phone and left the house, locking it from outside, and started to walk all the way to school.

It took him 15-16 minutes for him to get him but at least he made it in time. He was able to found his locker. So he put stuff that he might need later in the day in his locker and he took the stuff he needs to start his own day.

(Tbh when I get an locker I always do this too 😂😅)

'okay I can do this! It's just highschool! What can go wrong? I can just meet new people and I won't have to fight this year alone! Yeah!'

*Ding ding*

That was the bell. Kokichi knows it's gonna be class time. He slowly walked around the halls trying to find the class that he needs to be.

'God this place is so freaking confusing...'

While Kokichi was day dreaming, he slowly walking into some guy. "Hey watch it punk!"

When kokichi looked up, he saw a boy who had black hair, an bat in his hand, an hat on top of his head, and he was kinda tall. "O-oh I'm sorry! I trying to find-"

Kokichi was interrupted by an girl voice. "Hey Shuichi baby, who this guy? Is he bothering you?"

Kokichi slowly turned around saw an girl who had blond hair, pink clips on her hair, green skirt, and an pink uniform, but was wearing an black leather jacket, and she had an bat in her hand too.

"Listen here loser, your in a wrong place" she said in an angry voice

"I-I-I-I'm sorry I'm trying to f-f-f-find my h-homeroom" Kokichi said in a shaky voice.

The girl growled "oh yeah??"

Kokichi yelps "y-yes mam!"

The girl smile "how about this? We'll help you out and let you be free if you pretend as if you never saw us, got it?"

Kokichi was shaking "y-yes-"

Kokichi was again interrupted by the guy he bumped into "Kaded, baby, stop. Let's just help him. Beside he said he will pretend he didn't see us and he said he wont tell anyone so just knock it off and stop scaring him."

Childhood Friends - Oumami (Kokichi x Rantaro) - HighSchool AUWhere stories live. Discover now