(Y/N)!! (part 2)

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I sat in the middle of my new room trying to decide where I was going to set up my bed. It was a medium sized room with one big widow that was facing the streets of Philadelphia.  I remember the day I left this city.


"Come one Freddy! You got to be faster then that" I yell out as I race him back home. Before I could win the race I was stopped in my tracks as I see a big unknown truck outside our house, leaving time for Freddy to catch up to me with his fast waddle. "Who's that?" I ask turning to Freddy. "I'm not sure, let's go find out"

We both walk into the house to see Rosa and Victor standing with a beautiful lady. "Hi you two, (y/n) come here sweetie" Rosa says gesturing me over. I slowly walk over as I hang up my jacket on the way.

"This is (y/m/n), she's your mom" Victor tells me as I stand in front of her. "Hi sweetie, I'm (y/m/n) but he already said that." She giggles nervously. "Hi" I softly say shuffling awkwardly. "I'm here to take you home now sweetie" she says getting down to my level. "What! No! I want to stay here" I stutter out with panic, I could see that it threw my mom off.

"Sweetie, I'm so sorry but it's time to come home" my mom said sternly but nicely to me. "But this is my home" I say running to my room. I could here Rosa and Freddy yell out to me but I ignored them.

Five minutes later I heard a soft knock to my door. "Leave me alone!" I cry out with a sniffle. "It's just me" I hear Freddy say from behind the door. I slowly got up and opened the door for him. He walks in as fast as he could, we stood there in silence, no one saying a word.

"She's very nice" freddy says breaking the silence. "What?" "Your mom, she's very nice" I look down with tears in my eyes. "But I don't want to leave you or Mary or anyone in that matter" I sniffle out as I run to freddy's arms. "Its going to be ok (y/n), she's going to take you to a place you've always wanted to go" freddy says hugging me harder.

"But I want you, i can't leave you" i cry harder. "I know but we can still call, and video chat, and do all the normal things and I'm sure everyone else would love to" freddy says trying to comfort me.

"I'm going to miss you" I say pulling away from the hug to see his eyes. "I'm going to miss our all nighters or our movie marathons I'm going to miss everything" I say to him, I could see tears in his eyes.  We were interrupted by Rosa knocking on the door.

"Sweetie can I come in" both freddy and i pull away from each other and I let Rosa in. "Hi hun, I'm so sorry." She says pulling me into a hug. "(Y/n) your mom will be back tomorrow to pick you up. I'm sorry to be telling you this but you've got to pack. Freddy can stay and help and once Mary gets home shell help as well" Rosa says with tears in her eyes, with another hug she soon leaves.

End of Flashback

Leaving my family was the worst day of my life, my mother was two faced, she seems caring, and loving and the most kindest woman in the world but behind closed doors she was a horrible person. Once I left she cut off all ties to my family and took me to Gotham city and started dating an abuser. Three and a half years later I'm put back in a foster system again. I was hoping to see my Freddy but I'm scared that he won't like me anymore, plus with everything that has happened to me I've become really shy and fragile.

"(Y/n) where do you want your bed?" Laura, my new foster mom asks as her and 2 movers bring in my bed frame. " over there please" I point to the corner I wanted it in. After an hour i had everything in my room set up.

(That's how the bed looks, same with the dressers and mirror but not the walls)

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(That's how the bed looks, same with the dressers and mirror but not the walls)

"Laura, can I go for a walk? I'll bring buddy" I ask her, buddy our dog hired his name being said and ran to me. "Yes but be safe and be back by 8" she says with a soft smile. I grabbed buddies leash and got him ready to go. I looked at my outfit in the mirror that was just set up by the front door and then left.

I had been walking down a really busy street in an unknown area and before I knew it I was lost

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I had been walking down a really busy street in an unknown area and before I knew it I was lost. Buddy had gotten excited at another dog that was across the street that his leash escaped my hand and he went running into the street with many cars. I took off running without hesitation forgetting the danger I was in. Everything was going so fast a car was speeding my way and I was frozen in spot. Then I felt this weight in my side making me close my eyes, once I felt that I wasn't moving I opened my eyes to see this older guy in a blue outfit, an outfit that resembled a superhero's.

"(Y/N)!!" The stranger who saved me screamed out.

❤❤❤ Sorry for it being so late

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Sorry for it being so late. I hope this is good

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