"I've never been so tired man trying to keep this relationship alive, everything I do is not enought for her. She's asked me to change, so much. And i did" he sighs heavily, dumbfounded, not feeling like he was enough. In his mind, this girl has betrayed her.
"Babe, I know it's romanticized for a person to change for their partner for the better but, this is not what they meant. When they say that it means, changing knowing what youre doing is hurting them and you will try to treat them better. Because in my personal opinion, everyones love language is different, to understand and adapt to one's is a healthy sign of a relationship. Not because you're not giving her enough dates on weekend or isolating you from your friends. " the friend says, trying to explain. She's went through the same situation.
"I'm trying so hard to understand her, but she won't understand me. I don't get it. This doesn't feel like a relationship. It feel's like I'm just giving her what she wants so he would shut up.." he trembles and starts to cry.
"When I was with my former lover, she was so tender and fillled with care. It was mutualism. You know,, her love is so great. I couldn't throw away the letters she gave me.I still have it with me." he confesses.
"Let me read yeah?" She read the letters over and over, feelings were threaded into the words, heart worn on sleeves.
"I don't want to be the one saying this but, I think, you let a good one go." the one that got away. Does everyone go through it? Certainly not but alot of people take people for granted anyway. He starts crying realising that there were so many things he wish he could un do. He should've just be patient because they could've gone far.
And that my friend is what happened to my brother, in 2 years,is what's going happen to you. You may not see it now, but with time and distance you'll realise I was the one that got away. I don't wish it upon you, regret is a terrible wish to curse upon someone.
I dare say I loved you so terribly, I was down for you when you wanted to stop abuse of poisons
all I wanted was for you to look at me for a moment
and realise what a blessing I was, how youre so lucky to have me,
make time for me even though it's the last second of the day before the clock strikes 12.
Even for just one second. I asked you, do you know you're hurting me?
And with no intentions of changing, you say yes. You do. And you won't put effort to change because youve tried it once in your past relationship and you didnt want to anymore you continued.
Did you ever cherish me? Was I a joke? place to let go of your sexual needs?
I realised I was the one who had to leave before the clock strikes 12, and so I did.
You don't remember but I told you any guy who's treated me bad will come back to me for forgiveness. I know, it has happened twice.I bet in your head you doubt that would happen. Maybe it wont for all we know.
The point is, I wish this curse upon you not because I want revenge, its solely for the purpose of you to grow. Don't take people for granted, you'll never get the same person twice and it hurts when you realise it when it's too late.
in 2 years youll find someone new,
in 2 years youll start comparing the old and new,
in 2 years youll start feeling with regrets,
and in 2 years. You will grow as a man.
I love you dudly, as a person with flaws and I accept them. I do.
but youve got to grow and i need to be happy.
Here's from a Japanese book called IF CATS DISAPPEARED FROM AROUND THE WORLD my friend gave me as a birthday present. I really recommend it
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