Chapter 2.

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Taylor King

As the sun sets over Evergreen County the warm amber glow shines through my window, gently highlighting my skin. A small knock rattles my bedroom door and in walks my dad clutching a small blue mug. "I thought you might like some tea." My Dad smiles as he places the mug on my bedside table. "Thanks dad." I mutter not looking up from the stack of notes on my bed.

"Was that all?" I ask noticing he's still stood there, he takes a deep breath and speaks again. "I'm sorry about you and Tony." Dad takes a seat on my bed and grabs my hand, rubbing small circles on it with his thumb. "Who told you?" I question praying that it didn't come from Justin. "Your mom saw Tony at Monet's with his sister, she asked why he hasn't been round in a while."

Tears trickle down my cheeks as I remember the night we broke up, "I know I should be happy for him that he finally get's to be himself, but that doesn't make it hurt less." I sniffle using my sleeve to wipe away my tears. "And it will hurt, you was together for 2 years. But the main thing now is to support him." Dad reassures pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"Was it hard for you when uncle Travis came out?" I question looking up into my dads eyes. "Yeah it was hard, hard knowing that he'd never have any easy life but that's who Travis is and we accepted him for it." Dad sighs "But that was in the 80s, being gay was seen as a disease not a sexuality. Anyway, you've just gotta be their for Tony and let him know he's always welcome here." He smiles brightly and presses a kiss to my forehead.

Standing up from the bed, Dad walks over to the door and turns to face me. "You better get some sleep, you've got an early start tomorrow." He flicks out the light and opens the door to leave, "Goodnight dad, I love you." I yawn before kicking my notes aside and sliding into the duvet covers. "Goodnight little T, I love you 2." He mutters before shutting the door behind him.


As I walk into school I notice my bestfriend Justin Foley stood outside with his friends, "Good morning shithead." I call out wrapping my arms around his body. "Morning asshole, what no Justy today?" He chuckles wrapping his arm around me. "Who got shitfaced and told everyone at the party last weekend that I got dumped? You did." I chuckle, playfully punching his arm.

"And I sincerely apologise." Justin chuckles softly. "I wouldn't do that to you Taylor, because I value our friendship." Zach smirks with a wink, "Thank you Zach." I reply blowing him a small kiss. "Anyway as I was saying, I'm having a little get together tonight Taylor are you coming?" Bryce asks looking over to me from his seat on the bench. "Probably not." I mutter quietly.

"Why not?" He asks raising his eyebrow. "Because I don't like you." I reply bluntly chuckling loudly. "Come on T, it's tradition to go to Bryce's after the first day of school." Justin says. Which is true even before we started high school we'd go over Bryce's and hang out but as we got older things changed. As we got older I realised Bryce Walker is a massive dick.

Bryce and I have a long history together, our dads went to high school togther and have been close friends since. When our mothers fell pregnant and realised they would be having babies of each gender they were thrilled. This then started a cycle of matchmaking, which in theory would have been a perfect idea if Bryce wasn't Bryce.

"No Justy, your tradition is getting high and playing video games, when Jess and I talk about more pressing matters like who out of you would be the worst in bed." Before the boys had time to respond the bell rings which means it's time to go inside. "See you later boys." I chuckle as I head inside the school building.

"Goodmorning Miss Davis." I smile as I enter the maths room. "Goodmorning Miss King." Jess smiles back as she looks up from her seat. "How are you feeling today? Any better." Jess asks knowing i'm putting on a brave face incase I see Tony. "I've felt better but the show must go on." I smile brightly taking my seat next to her.

"Are you coming to Bryce's tonight? I know our list would cheer you up." Jess grins with a small laugh. "I don't really have much of a choice do I?" I sigh digging around in my bag for my notebook and pen. "i'm not sitting with a bunch of high boys by myself, so no you don't." Jess laughs as the last few people come into the class.

"Why do you hate him so much anyway?" Jess questions placing her book on the desk. "He can literally get away with anything because he's rich, it's disgusting." I grimace. I pop the lid off my blue pen and flick to clean page in my book, gently gliding the pen across the paper as I start to write the date. "Yeah but aren't you rich T?" Jess questions. "Well yeah I guess, but i'm not a sociopath." I shrug making Jess giggle.


A group of us pile into the Summer house at the end of Bryce's garden. Basically like Bryce's bachelor pad, the bungalow came in handy for gatherings like this. Plus Bryce's mom would go absolutely ape shit if her Persian rugs stunk of high quality cannabis.

"Come on Taylor, you know you want too." Jess teases wiggling her eyebrow. "I mean he's hot as fuck but it's too soon." I laugh as I get up to get a beer. "What's too soon?" Justin asks intrigued in the conversation. "Jess is trying to set me up with Jeff Atkins." I reply popping the lid off my beer and taking a sip. "Oh yeah, it's too soon." Justin agrees taking the beer from my hand and taking a swig.

Don't get me wrong, not only is Jeff Atkins an absolute machine on the baseball field but he's also a total hotty. But I'm not ready for that kind of relationship, although Tony and I ended on good terms. It still hurts.

"Why? You call him handsome and he calls you beautiful, what's stopping you?" Jess asks leaning her head on her hands. Taking the bottle back from Justin, I use my sleeve to wipe off the top and take another sip. "Maybe the fact that I literally just came out of a two year relationship two weeks ago." I chuckle reminding her of my recent dumping. "Plus Jeff and I are just friends."

"So when are you gonna let me hit it then, Taylor." Bryce butts into the conversation. "Bryce, I've already told you when I hate myself and my life has gone to shit." I smile sarcastically. "And when do you think that will be?" Bryce leers with a smug little grin. "I'll have to check my diary and get back to you never." I reply making Jessica laugh from the sofa.


With the boys all stoned to the bone we decided that it would be the best time to order food. Pizzas boxes piled around the kitchen as all of us tucked in, Jess and I giggled as we watched her boyfriend violently trying to lick a string of cheese from his chin.

"Taylor, why didn't you smoke something or are you more into the white stuff?" Monty asks mimicking a sniffing motion. Montgomery De La Cruz is an interesting character, one minute he hates me and the next he tries to fuck me. Their really is no middle ground.

"Jesus Monty, get a new hobby maybe?" Zach defends. Zach Dempsey is a different person all together, a loveable giant with a heart of gold. "Thank you Zachy." I smile blowing him a kiss making him blush awkwardly.

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