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I groaned and rolled over, pulling my blanket higher over my head. My alarm kept blaring. Why won't it shut up?

After about five minutes of it's annoying beeping, I finally turned it off and sat up. I stared across my room. I contemplated for about another five minutes if this job was worth it or if I could get away with burning it down.

"I'm too pretty for jail," I muttered to myself and threw my covers off. I got up and staggered into my bathroom. I turned on the shower and waited for it to heat up, nodding off while I waited.

After taking a nice warm shower, I was wide awake and ready for the day. Well, not ready. Just able. I looked through my closet and decided on a nice light purple dress. It was spring, and even though it was rainy outside, I would be inside most of the day.

I slipped on my black flats. They were super comfy and also very stylish. I put on a black cardigan to match. I peeked out of my window and my first guess was right. It was rainy outside.

I grabbed my cellphone and walked into the kitchen. Adrian was slumped on the counter. His hair looked like a rats nest. He looked to be passed out. I tried my best sneaking up to him, to tickle him.

"If you try tickling me, you will die," he mumbled, his voice still heavy with sleep.

I stamped my foot and pouted. "You aren't any fun," I said. I grabbed my purse and walked to the foyer to grab my raincoat. I heard him get up and follow me, shuffling his feet. After I put on my coat and fixed the hood, he wrapped his arms around my neck and gave me an awkward half choke half hug. He was not a morning person.

"Have a good day. Don't fall for the evil rich dude," he mumbled. I was pretty sure he was just sleep walking. I patted his side.

"Go back to bed Adri. You need sleep."

He nodded softly and stumbled his way back to his room, falling on his bed. I smiled and grabbed my keys. Time to go to work.

I walked downstairs and out of the front door. I waved bye to the morning door man, I think his name was Thomas, and hailed a cab.

"Fifth and Jackson please," I said to the cabbie. He nodded and started weaving his way through traffic. I stared out the window, watching the rain pour across the sky.

After about twenty minutes in the cab, we finally made it to my job. It wasn't far from my house but New York traffic was awful. I'm surprised it took only twenty minutes today. I was early. So I had enough time to grab myself a coffee from the little coffee house right next door.

After I got my coffee and made my way inside, pressing the button for the elevator. As I waited, I took a sip of my coffee. It warmed me up instantly. The cold rain outside, it didn't affect me that much anymore.

After I got to my floor, I said quick hellos to Elise and Georgia, sitting at my desk and taking off my raincoat.

The day went by pretty quick. Tanya for the most part left me alone. So did my boss. I answered phone calls and made a few myself to get more investors.

I guess I was so preoccupied with work, I didn't realize it was time for lunch already. As a whole, we all took our lunches together. I put on my coat and met Elise and Georgia in front of the elevators. Usually we would go to lunch together. But today I sadly had plans.

"Where do we want to go today?" Elise asked, fixing a strand of her already perfect hair.

"Oh I was thinking that cute little Chinese place down the road. They have yummy food," Georgia smiled and nodded.

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