Milo Murphy's Law headcanons

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•Melissa's a bi pie
•Diogee ends up joining the O.W.C.A. part-time since he still wants to be by Milo's side most of the time
•Cavendish cannot STAND when Doof and Dakota are together. The dynamic duo drives him crazy. (And he's a little jealous that Dakota is spending time with Doof)
•Melissa's mom serves in the military
•Milo and Amanda date for a brief period but she breaks up with him because she can't deal with the whole Murphy's Law thing which leaves Milo heartbroken.
•Zach, Melissa, and Milo are all in this sort of love triangle. Zach likes Melissa, Milo likes Melissa, Melissa likes Zach, and Melissa likes Milo. They don't let it ruin their friendship though
•Because Doofenshmirtz kind of shoehorned his way into the Murphy family, he befriended a lot of Milo and Sara's friends. Vanessa likes hanging out with Sara and Melissa really looks up to Vanessa.
•After the events of The Phineas And Ferb Effect, the pnf crew and mml crew became friends and hung out together more
•Phineas has to restrain himself from freaking out on Milo when his Murphy's law messes up their project
•Bradley constantly hits on Melissa and she doesn't take his crap. Ever.
•Zach obsessively "stalks" The Lumbermaxes

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