24| livia

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MY LEG WILL not stop bouncing.

I mean, I bounce my leg a lot as it is, but throw in two cups of coffee, a shit load of anxiety, and sleep deprivation and it's absolute hell.

Sam gave me a bone-crushing hug before he said he had to go because he didn't want to impose, but he made me promise that I'd message him if I needed anything or if I just needed someone to talk to.

So here I am at two am, sitting in a cold hospital waiting room with Roman snoring away on my legs and Lia asleep in his lap, just staring down at my phone and wondering if he'd be awake.

I mean, I know he said I could message him if I wanted someone to talk to, but maybe he was being polite. People say nice things to make people feel better, he was probably just doing that.

Before I get the chance to contemplate it anymore, a tired-looking Ricky walks out of the hospital room and sits down beside me.

"How's everything? Is Maya dilated anymore?" I ask, tucking my hair behind my ears.

"She's fine, and she's still at a four. I came to make sure you weren't drinking any more coffee." He smiles, watching me try to push the empty cup under the chair without bothering the sleeping couple.

"I also came to ask how your date was, I never got the chance to make sure he was a gentleman."

I laugh, rubbing my eyes a little. "Yeah, it was really nice. He was definitely a gentleman. He wouldn't let me pay for dinner, he opened doors for me, he told me I looked beautiful, it was great."

He smiles, nodding.

"I'm glad you had fun, Mads. He sounds like a good kid." He replies, kissing my temple.

Winn and Parker walk out of the room, and I quickly jump out of my seat, making Rome jump up, but Amelia stays sound asleep. She just snores softly, shifting in his arms and pressing her cheek into his arm.

She has always slept like the dead.

The nurse who was helping Maya has been a total bitch and won't let more than two people into the hospital room, not including Ricky and Maya of course, so we've had to take turns seeing her.

And yeah, I get that it's hospital protocol, but she has the room to herself and it's pretty big. We would all be fine.

Ricky, Emmy, and I all walk into the room and I see Maya sitting on the bed, glaring at the tv and munching on some ice chips.

I've heard of people liking labor more than the actual pregnancy, but it doesn't seem like that's the case for her.

"Hey, Maya, how do you feel?" I sit down on the chair beside her, crossing my legs under myself.

"Like I need to push out this kid because the only thing they're letting me eat is ice chips. That's not even food. That is solidified water." She complains, giving up and dropping the cup down on the tray in front of her.

"I'm sorry," I say, grabbing her hand.

She shrugs, giving me a little smile. "Yeah, but I'm trying to think on the positive side of things. I mean, in the next few hours I could have a baby."

I smile back, nodding and telling her, "I can't wait to hold her and kiss her and babysit and do all that auntie stuff. Oh, and finally know her name."

She laughs, resting her hands on her swollen stomach. "You willing to change her dirty diapers?"

"Listen, that's what we have Ricky for. You and I get to snuggle her and dress her up in those cute bear footies we picked out, the whole reason we keep him around is so that he can do that." I tease, making her chuckle and nod.

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