Chapter 5

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Ellie's POV

Last night's date with Mitch was great, I'm still a little uneasy about trusting him. But that's not gonna stop me anymore, I still have to go back home and finish school but I have already got my acceptance to U of T so I know for a fact that I'll be coming back here afterwards but I still have 5 months left and a lot can change in 5 months.

I know I'm going to have to talk to Mitch there isn't a way to avoid that but I just have to figure out how to really. I decide to message and see if he's free to come over.

'Hey Mitch, you busy?

Nah I'm free what's up Ellie

Anyway you could come over?

I'll be there soon

I set my phone on the table in front of me and turn on the tv to wait for Mitch to arrive. I'm nervous to say the least but I know if he cares we can do this long distance for a few months. I'm watching reruns of Hawaii Five-0 when I hear a knock at my door and get up to go answer it.

"Hey Mitch, come on in" I say opening the door wide enough for him to get past.

" Hey Ellie, I came as fast as I could." Mitch replies

We walk over to the couch after I close the door and sit down.

" So as I hope you know, I'm still in high school and still have to finish my final semester to graduate." I say

" Yeah I guessed that which is all good but I do wanna ask where that puts us and what you are doing for university." He replies

" Well first I do hope that we can put effort into this to make it last even when I'm back on island for the months I am. As for university I have accepted my offer to the University of Toronto so I will be coming back once I graduate, i made the decision before we were whatever we are just so you know." I say

" I think we can easily make this work when you are back home, and if you are willing I'd like to be able to call you my girlfriend." He says

" Hm girlfriend, I think I could definitely get behind that idea. I'm going back to the Island in a week because that's when second semester is starting but I'll come out during March break if I can and there is calling and text. So we can make this work" I say looking at him

He doesn't reply to this just looks at me and then taken by surprise he kisses me.

" We will make this work because it's what we both want". He says once he's pulled away

We spend this rest of the day cuddled up on the couch watching tv and talking, when supper hits I call and order us pizza and grab us two drinks out the fridge, since I'm not 19 technically I can't buy beer so I just have pop. We stay up laughing and talking until we fall asleep. I only realized because I wake up the next day cuddled into Mitch on the couch with the tv still playing and Mitch full on asleep next to me which makes me laugh.

A week later

Ellie's POV

I am now back on the Island trying to finish my final year of high school which isn't hard. I had all my marks above 95% last term and focus on school more then socializing. If I can keep my marks high this semester I get a full ride academic scholarship to U of T which would be amazing not to have to worry about how I'm affording it. Mitch and I have already agreed that if we are still together I'll live with him by this time we would have been together  8 months which we think is a good time to move in together.

 Mitch and I have already agreed that if we are still together I'll live with him by this time we would have been together  8 months which we think is a good time to move in together

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Ellie8759: finally got it done... Turned out great and I can't wait for my next one.

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Mitch.marner: Wow look at that, still kinda take offence that it's for the Penguins and not Leafs but I'll let it slide 😉 damn my girl has a tattoo.

Auston.matthews: That turned out damn nice, it would be nice to meet my best friends girlfriend lol as he has hide you from the team.

Ellie8759: Technically it was a joint agreement lol and you will all meet me next time I'm in town.

I smile at my phone knowing that maybe just maybe this all might turn out great, I know it will be hard but we are strong enough to get through this and now it's just waiting for March Break to hit.

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