Chapter 4- Awkward Introductions

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I fell forward, catching myself on hands and knees, narrowly avoiding a head on collision with the wooden floorboards. And then I just. . . stayed there. His scent filled the room, surrounding me and making it hard to concentrate on anything but the deafening silence I couldn't bring myself to break.

My skin felt hot and goosebumps had risen on my arms and neck. Something inside urged me to look up, to finally see his face, but I couldn't do it.

Then one thought rose to the surface of my mind, ringing out with crystal clarity-

Oh my heck, Piper. You lifted up his leg. You wanted him as a pet and you LIFTED UP HIS LEG to LOOK! What if he remembers?!?!?!

Nope. Can't do it. I have to crawl away. . .

And I was about to do just that when-

"As much as I enjoy looking at the top of your head, I think I'd like to see your face now."

Holy MACKEREL, that was hot. . .

His voice was deep and smooth and rich. It put into mind a black haired man, heavily tanned and incredibly muscular. Tall, dark, and mysterious. Without even thinking about it my head snapped up, fully expecting to see the gorgeous creature I'd just imagined.

But what I saw was all light.

Light blue eyes, white blond hair, and fair skin dusted with freckles. His brows were darker than the hair on his head, one lifted slightly higher than the other in an expression of amusement. His eyes laughed at me and I couldn't help but think- as my eyes roved over his face- that I'd gladly make a fool of myself any day if I got to see this as a reward. Wide mouth turning up at the corners, stretching those full, glorious lips into an almost-grin. . .

Hubba hubba.

After scanning the hotness before me, I couldn't even remember what I'd first thought he would look like.

"Hi," he said softly and my insides turned to mush and I melted. MELTED.

. . .backwards?

That is- I melted, but stood up at the same time. Which was a frightening task, considering my legs felt like Jell-O.

"Hi," I said breathlessly, twisting my hands nervously around the hem of my t-shirt and taking deep breaths. It was no use. My face still felt like it had caught fire. How could I act cool, calm, and collected when I looked like a baggy, homeless candle?!

"Want to sit down?" He asked politely, gesturing to a chair sitting near the bed he was resting on.

The nod I gave was delayed and kinda awkward, but I managed to move across the room without tripping AND sit in the chair next to him without making any weird sounds, so. . . Things were going well.

*mental thumbs up*

Doin' good, Piper. Doin' good. Just whatever happens- DON'T OPEN YOUR MOUTH.

So I just sat there and stared. First at my hands, then at the bedsheets dipping over the side of the bed, then at the floor. But I could feel his eyes on me the whole time.

"Hey," his gentle voice broke through the silence. "You alright?" I took a second too long in thinking up a response (pitiful, I know), so he ended the silence himself.

"If I'm making you uncomfortable. . .you don't have to stay." I risked a glance up at his face. He looked. . .reluctant.

Before he had spoken, I had no preference as to what came out of that beautiful mouth, but now that he'd actually said something-

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