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Sullivan POV
After everything was ready I made smoothies for everyone.
"Sir, I didn't know you have such a talent, next time we should sell them instead of calendars." Dean said and everyone laughed.
"That was great." Said Warren, while I was cleaning the cups.
"I'm glad you liked it. After drinking it all I think I will have something for you in my office. Will you come for it in a few?" I asked Ben.
"Ofcourse." He answered.

I came to my office and filled the container in the bathroom. After 5 minutes I heard knocking.
"Is it ready?" Warren asked.
"Yes. Are you sure you want to do it. Do you really want to cover me?" I asked.
"Jack reminded me of something I forgot a long time ago. We are family and I need to support you as you supported me with medic one and PRT. You are a great person just like Amelia and she kept her job, so why you can't do it either. I'm sorry about earlier. I should have done something before, when I suspected something."
"No it's ok I shouldn't have been so distanced. It's my fault too."
"So we need new deal. What about we go out somewhere with the boys. We could grab some drinks. It could be something like Batchelor party. What do you think?" Ben asked.
"Well I already had Batchelor party once. You know it's my second marriage."I answered. Warren was so confused, that he didn't know what to say.
"I was joking. I would love to let you organize it!" I said.
"OMG I thought you were serious. Gee sir I can't recognize you."
"Sorry I just wanted to see how you gonna react. Andy really have changed me." I said.
"Well it's not like it's something bad. I really like this happy version of you Chief." He said. I need to say that he wasn't the only one who liked more this happy Robert more than Chief Sullivan.

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