I feel better

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Sullivan POV
Me and Andy were interrogated about our relationship and wedding for almost 1 hour. I told them the story about how I proposed and how we announced Pruitt that we want to get married. We all laught when I told them about the speech which Capitan Herrera gave me. We were having a good time mostly, because we didn't have to go on calls today, because we were throwing a found rising party at the station. We told Dixon that it's for the people from neighborhood to get more good press, but our hidden goal was to collect money for Pruitt's funeral. We were also about to sell our calendar. I can't believe Hughes did it, and that I took part in it. I was Mr. January. When we show it to Andy she couldn't take it, she was laughing like never before.
"Sorry to break this happy atmosphere, but I need to know. Chief didn't you stopped taking fentanyl, did you start any treatment or found help somewhere?" Ben asked and everyone suddenly got silent.
"Yes... I took one dose of fentanyl and when I tried it again... I overdosed. After that I threw away the rest of the fentanyl. I also went for second opinion to dr. Shepherd. She helped me a lot. I'm attending the meeting and I have supportive wife. I know that I did a big mistake and you have to do what is right Ben." It was hard for me to say it, but finally they know everything and I feel better. Now everything is in Ben's and Dixon's hands.

It's short, I know, but at least you will have another update soon.
I will have to hurry next episode of station 19 is coming!

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