I herd the door knock I open it because I thought it was the girls bc they were with the boys. It was jude standing there with his suitcase "hey.. can I come in?" "Sure" i opened the door more for him to come in he came in and said " you packing?" "Yes sir" "ASAP?" " yes sir". We started laughing then I got my music box
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And put " when we sleep where do we go" disco and burry a friend came on and I started dancing and singing Jude was laughing and recording. I till I notice " HEY!!! Jude you better not post it" "did to late hehh" "ahhhhhh wait what nooo😭😭😭" I trued grabbing his phone he said no not today we started to play around I till I said what do I need to do for you to give me ur phone? a....
Don't be shy scroll more
A kiss Sure I gave him a kiss bc I did not think abt it we made out for a goood 5 min then I pulled away "don't be shy hand it over" "We need to finish what we started" other day Ok He gave it and I was thinking of deleting it but I thought of it but nah I handed over to him and said nvm Yay he said I laugh and then packed again In till he was in live I called Diego
The call D~Diego N~Natalie. D hey what's up? N nun I was abt to say I'm leaving back home are u going with me? D nah ima go with Lauren for some days N ok just tell- nvm😭 D are u ok I know it ok but I'm here for u ok? N ok I hung up and a tear fell of
Back story Ur mom and dad abandoned you and Diego when he was 14 and u were 13 then Diego got a hood then he became a social media influencer and so did you he quit his job and he got money out of YT
Jude" hey what is rong?" You tell him " oh it is ok I'm here for you ok and I was asking myself if you would like to live in San Antonio with me and the group I talked abt it they agreed and I just need to tell u if u whant to" " sure ok let me call Diego" u call him and tell him he said ok only one condition I need to live there to u asked Jude and he said sure I tell him and hung up to pack u finished and headed to the air port with the gang
Btw u told the there gang
You guys got there and they showed you your room u were so happy bc I never had a big room
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You decorated like that they came in you room everyone "damm u tired it to a club" " hahah I'm just in the mood"
Sorry if this is to long of short idk but please vote and save this and stay safe my loves thank you for 100 reads ❤️❤️❤️🦋🦋😭😭😭 I'm so great full for y'all