I woke up from Jude jumping on my BED I: uhhh bebe get of me J: nope not intill u kiss me U gave him a kiss and when't to take a shower and bushes my teeth I put on my under pads by FLORENS by Mill's it was relaxing then i put a crop top and some ripped jeans I reamember my lil chicks I got lilo and put her out side to eat the grass the NJ boys were talking care of stich I reamember that Marc has a girl that he was talking to him and today we where abt to meet her
U: hey Romeo how is ur Juliet? Marc: um today ur going to meet her reamember? U: yes I'm not like you that I forget duh M: oki We all got ready hazel put on a avanis MERCH and Dede put on a white crop top and over my blue crop to I put my clickbait MERCH I love it We where are going to meet her in the park We headed in the park and saw a girl she looked like a bitch but any ways Mexican when't up to her and hugged her M: guys this is
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With that make up look she looked like a clown M: hey guys hey Cutie He said to Jude Hazel: we are all taken Dede was taken bye Jr Stuber M: did I asked you? U: well We are all taken and btw I'm Natalie judes gf M: nice to meet you "she said in a sassy tone" J: I'm Jude and I'm taken by Natalie Mathew: I'm Mathew and I'm taken bye hazel Hazel: I'm hazel and I'm dating Mathew Dede: I'm paradise they call me dede but call me paradise and I'm dating jr Jr: I'm jr sturber and I'm dating Dede
Maxine: well good for y'all U: lo- Marc: ok that is enough we should get going