He woken up I hid the letter J: what.. what time it is? U: 12:30 am buddy J: don't call me that call me BABE call me honey call me BEBÉ U: ok.. I'm just playing chill J: u better be in a zazy was like a girl
U: go Back to sleep J: the come here don't be shy come here U: charli OMG I'm ur biggest fan J: just come U: fine I hid the letter on the desk The next day I woke up made breack fast for everyone then U: hey I'm going to the mall wanna come y'all? E: yess sirrrr U: ok come on Y'all left to the mall U: I really need to go to the bathroom E: ok I when't inside and I wipe fuck im on my period uhh the mood changes quick but the good thing is that there is the CVS vending machine inside the bathroom I got the pad and put it on I when't out to see them and I said U: let's go home M: but we just got here 19 min ago U: I said let's go!! M: zezz fine You whisper to him "I'm on me period sorry if I'm moody" "Oh ok np" We left i when't home and when't straight to bed and slept I woke up at 1:46 Pm The diego called me D: hey how is ur period! U: how do you know? D: bc I have it in my calendar and bc ur always moody these weeks and plus we're siblings U: oh it is HORRIBLE D: good luck gtg U: oki bye Then they all came in H: Diego called us um... that your on your....period so we brought you some snacks and me and the GIRLS ONLY GIRLS can be here I tired around and saw them with this
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U: thx guys J: yes and TOMORROW ima be with you all day ONLY ME U: sure sure what ever They left Dede: so how is it Hazel: what do you mean it is horrible and you know it U: y'all wanna each a movie? E: sure We watched the money heist on Netflix intill we all fell asleep I woke up around 1:30 they were still sleeping I woke them up and said get up we have to leave E: ok They left I took a shower I change into sweats pants and a crop top The Jude came in J: hey mi amor( my love) U: since when do I know Spanish? J: Marc and Mathew told me to say it U: oh so what's- ahhhh damit son of a uhhhhhhhhhh J: what is happening HAZEL DEDE!!!!!!!!!! U: NONO iT IS fin- uhh They came all came in Mathew: what is happening Hazel: oh I know it is craps it is normal J: oh ok E: ok we're going to leave J: u scary me U: u did to J: wanna watch a movie U: sure We watch a movie and slept together