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U put this on. I could not sleep at all so I just watched to all the boys I love before and p.s I still love you I just kept crying intill hazel and Dede came up to me at 12:34 am D: hey if is ok he is just a shity boy ok if he dose not like you it's is fine we don't need them they need us ok? H: that is true just forget abt him ok? U: ok😪😪 We slept in the same bed bc it was a queen bed and we fit the 3 of us
The next day
I woke up at 11:00 am I woke the girls up and we ordered Dennis on Postmates I just headed down to get my order I saw on the couch Marc, Mathew,jr, and JUDE. Of course I ignore them. I opened the door got the food and when I turned around I see Marc M: look Natalie he did not mean to hurt your feelings U: but he DID I left with tears in my eyes I got with the girls I told them they said it will be fine but I knew it will not be fine I desided not to tell diego or else he is really going to kill Him The girls left to the mall with the All the boys or at least that is what I thought I get a notification that my dudes are on live I join there live they invited me to there live I accept
U: heyy bichesss🥳🥳🙁🥳🥳🥳😚😚 E: hey U: we're is Katie? E: she uh Alejandro and here are not together anymore she cheated on my boy U: oh I'm sorry that son of a bich but any way's E: we have a person with heart broken U: 2 plus me E: oh by who? U: Jude I tell them all what happend U: so yea I'm heartbroken Kai: that makes 3 plus me Celia cheated on me to U: oh I'm sorry Kai: yea U: call y'all later I will make my one live E:ok I make it and Anne comes in I invite her she is just saying I'm so sorry of what happend U: it is ok A: just know that Ily and ur the most and love gurl and I hate everyone else but not you U: ok thank you She left the live i when y down stairs and see Jude with his eyes all red and puffy J: look natalie I love you I really do I just did not whants to make you awkward between us and I'm really sorry I hope you understand but just know that I have a crush on you U: really you do I do too J: would you be my gf? U: yess We kissed it was not a kiss his soft lips instead of a kiss it turned into a make out session intill I pulled away I told him Ily he said ily too I whent to my room and got the cam ready and I made a YT vid and said me and Jude are cool now and we are are going to the mall. We arrived and saw the group close to the bath rooms and we scared them and told them the news they were happy for for us we were gust acting like crack heads intill the security came and told us to get out and we are not suppose to vlog we headed out and when't home and players The MIRACLE IN CELL NO.7 when they were abt to kill memo I just cryed more the boys and the girls were crying to but I was crying like crazy Jude just hugged me it was really sad he just kissed my forehead and laid hid face to my head I can fell his teardrops on my hair and just playing with my hair
Hey, bebe's Sorry if it is to long or to short but thanks for all the support guys'd and that means a lot to me 🥺🥺🥺🥺🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋
Make sure to vote and cmmt if y'all what sum to happend