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Bakugou pov

I can see that damn icy hot start to shake when I say lunch and mention food. This was how it had gone for me before Shitty hair found out only a day before I wouldn't die. I thought back to the moment when he went to get me and I was crying on the ground. I shake my head from the slight PTSD it gave me.

"We gotta get to school or else Aizawa is gonna kill us." I say, Todoroki nods and we leave his dorm. On the way to UA we are both silent but I can tell he was wondering something.

"What are you thinking?" I ask him. He jumps a little then relaxes a little bit nodding his head.

"H-how do you k-know h-how to d-do b-bandages so w-well?" he asked me. I guess now's the time that I'll have to confess. I pull the Heterochromatic boy over to the side of the side of the road and take a deep breath.

"Well I'll only be telling you that I have a friend who tried to bleed out and well I tried to starve myself. Along with another friend attempting to hang themselves. So that's why I know how to do bandages so well." I saw that Todoroki was shaking uncontrollably. I stare at the smaller boy.

"Y-you tried to s-starve yourself?" he asked in a scared tone. I nod slightly, that's when he began to cry again. Shaking so much he would've fallen to the ground if it weren't for me catching him.

Todoroki pov

Bakugou starved himself? I felt my knees begin to shake along with the rest of my body. I was shaking so much I began to cry and wobbled for balance falling over. Well almost falling over. If it wasn't for Bakugou catching me I would be on the ground right now. I took a deep breath and sucked in air but it didn't seem to reach my lungs. After a second I pushed my face into Bakugou's chest.

"Come on Todoroki we have to get to school." he said from above where I was. I nodded and got back up on shaking legs but managed to walk the rest of the way to school.

When we got to school I saw Midoriya and the rest of the class. I walk to my seat with my normal composed Monotone look. I sit down and take out my notes from yesterday rereading them. I was horrified when I saw a bit of blood on them. I have a small panic attack and my breath hitches.

"Todoroki-kun are you alright?" I look up and see Midoriya with a slightly worried expression on his face. I nod and look back down covering the blooded part with my arms.

Midoriya pov

When I walked over to Todoroki just to say good morning I noticed his breath had stopped and started something like a little panic attack.

Todoroki-kun are you alright?" I asked him. He looks up at me and nods his head. I shrug it off and walk off back to my seat. Kinda holding my arms still paranoid that others could see the self-harm scars on my arms. I sit down and Uraraka comes over to me with a huge smile. She had covered all of her pain with a big smile. Only two months ago she had tried to hang herself.

"Hi there Deku!" she smiles. I smile back.

"Hi Uraraka! How was your study session with Yaoyorozu yesterday?" I ask her. She nods her head, smiling even wider.

"It was great I got lots done!'' She hopped up excitedly before returning to her seat just before Aizawa-sensei walked into the room. The thing about class 1A is that we had all gone through at least a bit of trauma and all had different stages of PTSD.

Aizawa pov

I know stuff about this class that is a bit worrying to others. Since the USJ attack everyone has at least a little bit of PTSD. some are worse than others. Such as I know poor Uraraka-san had attempted to hang herself not too long ago. I know that in middle school Tokoyami had almost jumped off the roof. I know that Bakugou basically starved himself to death, that Midoriya had tried to bleed out. Jiro had tried to overdose. I was also getting warning signs from Todoroki and Hagakure that they might try something stupid. Everyone else so far hasn't made any big signs. I go on about class. I glance over to where Todoroki is looking out of the window not paying attention to class.

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