The Dragon in Snake's Clothing

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"Who are you?

Well shit.


Percy turned around slowly, the wand still digging into his skin, now pressing under his ribs.

Gray eyes peered curiously at Percy, and the son of Poseidon found himself enamored by the way platinum blond hair framed the other boy's face. Then he stumbled backwards, mentally kicking himself. Don't get attached, he reminded himself.

He peered up at the blond through his dark fringe, and he could've sworn he heard a sharp inhale as their eyes met. Whether it belonged to him or the other boy, Percy didn't know.

Just then, Nico rose from beneath Percy's shirt. "Masster Percy! He sssmellsss like your mate!" Percy let out an awkward choking noise, breaking his gaze with the blonde boy to look wide-eyed at Nico. The little snake just peered back at him innocently.

The sharp intake of breath definitely came from the blond this time. "You're a parselmouth," he said.

Percy was instantly on guard. Though the blonde's wand was no longer pressed against Percy, he still felt like he was in danger, like he was cornered. Percy observed the boy quietly without meeting his eyes, not wanting to see the scorn he knew would be there. Then a gentle hand rested on his shoulder and Percy's head jerked up, sea green eyes settling upon gray ones once more, and Percy all but melted. His breathing slowed down and it was only then that he realized he'd been having a panic attack.

Those gray eyes were so warm, even though Percy could see the layer of reinforced steel guarding them. The blonde wasn't judging him, and some part of Percy hated him for it, for making him feel something so warm and comforting. In Percy's mind, he had never deserved something so nice.

"Who are you," the blonde asked again, gentler this time.

Percy looked up into the other's eyes, the blonde being just a few inches taller, before answering. "Perseus Jackson. Just call me Percy."

The blonde smirked, a devilishly handsome thing that sent Percy's heart thudding faster than it had since he'd almost lost his mom during his first year at camp. "Very well, Perseus," he drawled out, and if Percy was mentally swooning, well, nobody else had to know. Though, he couldn't tell if the drawl was more annoying or endearing.

Trying to hide the steadily growing blush he knew had to be on his face, Percy asked the blonde, "And who might you be?"

"Draco Malfoy," the blonde drawled again. It was endearing, Percy decided.

"Very well, Dray," Percy tried and failed to teasingly drawl back at him. "Dragon, huh?"

"Mmm," Draco hummed in approval. "You know Latin. Father would be pleased."

"Draco- no, Dray the Dragon. Has a nice ring to it, don't you think?" Percy grinned teasingly at Draco, though the smile didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Normally, I'd kill anyone who called me Dray, as I've been so eloquently dubbed, but I suppose I'll make an exception for you Perseus," Draco practically purred into Percy's ear. A shudder wracked through Percy's body at that voice, and then Percy was gone, rushing from the cabin and leaving wide gray eyes staring after him.

Percy ended up in the bathroom, and it seemed fitting in a way. He felt like crap, which was, incidentally, what got flushed down the toilet. Why couldn't he just flush himself down the toilet? 'Son of Poseidon' his brain supplied. Even if he did somehow manage to fit into the toilet, the water would only reenergize him.

He tried to slow down his breathing, doing the little exercises that he'd heard of soldiers with PTSD doing. It didn't work, and then the walls were spinning and his vision was blurry and he couldn't breath and - 'I'm so sorry.'

'It's all my fault.'

'I got all of you killed.'

'I miss you Nico.'

"I should've at least had the decency to die with them. Now, not only did I live, but I'm falling for a blonde that I don't even know," he muttered to himself. He was betraying Nic-

"Masster, you're crying. What'sss wrong?"

Percy just shook his head and plastered a smile on his face.

"Isss thiss becaussse of the mate you lost?"

The boy's breath hitched, tears sliding down his pale face. " Yeah Nico, it isss"

"I knew another ssnake who lossst their mate too. They were alwaysss in pain. Are you in pain, Masster?

Percy huffed out a breath of a laugh, his breathing calming just a little bit. "Without him... alwaysss" A sob escaped from his throat, but he held it back. Monsters didn't deserve to cry. Nico wrapped himself gently around Percy's throat before extending to flicked his tongue out gently, lapping at Percy's hand. In turn, the wizard just stroked the snakes head gently, and all was well for the moment.

Word Count: 810

A/N- Don't kill me. I know it's short. I have the next 7 chapters planned out so... I think I'll update soon.

See you on the flip side my demiwizards,


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