The Haunting Mind

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Percy wasn't exactly sure of how long he spent on the bathroom floor, but by the time the train had stopped, his body wasn't very happy with him. Well, at least the johns were classy. Somehow, nobody had questioned why the stall he was hiding in was closed, and he was definetely grateful for it.

The boy with sea-green eyes slunk off to find what of the Weasley tribe he could, if only because they all knew what they were doing.

As he exited the train, his thoughts trailed back to Draco and his thin lips, the way his hair was so perfectly align-

"You must be Perseus! The 'eadmaster's tol' me lots 'bout ya!"

The man was easily the size of a cyclops, older that atlas on for sure. He seemed friendly enough though, and he had two eyes, so Percy wasn't too worried. Besides, the headmaster wouldn't recruit a monster, right?

"Do I know you?" Percy asked, hiding from the figures moving past in Hagrid's shadow.

"Oh, 'ow rude've me! I'm Hagrid, Groundskeeper of Hogwarts! Since it's yer firs year, you'll be followin' me please."

Percy just keep quiet and followed after the man, his fingers tightly gripped the skull ring on his finger and Riptide in his pocket. The ring had been a promise from Nico that he'd come back to Percy on the day of the battle. A broken promise for a broken promise, Percy thought. Both stopped by death, and Percy couldn't help but see the irony in that.

The son of Poseidon was loaded onto the boats with the first years, sharing with an adorable girl with brown hair and glasses such a vibrant shade of yellow that Percy could see them in the dark.

Halfway across the lake, Percy noticed a boat on his left tipping just a bit too much, two scared-looking boys inside. The third boy, a boy with sandy blond hair and a pinched look on his face, seemed completely unperturbed, continuing to rock the boat hard. Then things went wrong.

The boat spun, flipping over and depositing the boys in the water. When the boat was flipped back over just moments later, two of the boys crawled on, the blonde and one of the other boys, but Percy noticed that the redhead was missing.

"Where's Matthew?" the brunette in Percy's boat asked.

Then Percy was in the water, plunging into the depths and searching for the poor first year. A glimpse of red hair alerted him of the little boy's presence, but he was in the arms of rather strange creatures. They were some type of merpeople, Percy thought as they bowed to him. He bowed his head slightly in turn before gesturing for the boy in their arms.

With his powers, he created an air bubble around the unconscious boy's head and propelled them toward the surface.

Willing himself to stay wet, Percy swam with the child on his back and gently heaved the boy over the side of the boat the boy had originally fallen out of. He gave the blond boy a stern look before turning over the boy he'd just saved and gently tapping his back. To outside eyes, he appeared to be slapping the water out of the boy's lungs, but he was really just using his powers to draw the water from his throat, limiting the debilitating coughing that came with almost drowning.

Then Percy swam back to his own boat, Hagrid throwing him a thumbs up from the front of the entourage of boats. The little first year girl he was riding with hugged him hard. " Thanks for saving my brother," she whispered. He just awkwardly patted her back.

The squelching sounds of his new dress shoes against the castle floors were extremely annoying, Percy thought. Then an older woman with gray hair and dark green robes walked into the hall and flicked her wand, instantly drying everyone who had fallen into the lake and the little girl who had hugged a soaked Percy.

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