chapter 1

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It's mostly gonna be in petes p.o.v but I'll note when its Patrick's.

I walk into hell to receive my usual present for existing a punch a kick and twenty more but I've mostly gotten used to it by now.

I walk into first period to see a unfamiliar face sitting next to my desk i walk over to sit and just zone out until "u-um hi im patrick" i hear coming from my right side "uh yeah okay" i say to get him to leave me alone i don't want friends and don't need them,i had some friends but they all left when they found out my supposed to be secret.

I went through the whole day just falling asleep in every class and not giving any attention to anybody as soon as i heard the bell ring i bolted through the door but on my walk home i see that kid from first period again behind me "hey can i walk with you?" he asks "sure" i say but as were walking i notice he has a black eye "hey um where did you get that black eye?" i ask "oh i uh upset some kids im the hallways today" he says in a quiet voice i can tell he's lying but i won't question it.

I soon see my house in view and say "hey that's my house i gotta get going see you tommorow i guess" i say,he nods his head and i proceed to run off to my house.

I open the door and see a sight way too familiar to me,my dad passed out on the couch beer bottle in hand i run to my room and lay on my bed thinking about that new kid he was so cute,small,mysterious i really hope he doesn't suffer what im going through beat up everyday called a "faggot" everyday and being stared at awkwardly everyday,i just hope the black eye was a one time incident and that this won't become a constant thing "dammit" i say to myself you said you wouldn't question this he's probably straight anyways so just forget about it i tell myself before dozing off to sleep.

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