chapter 6

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Patrick's p.o.v: I was stunned how did they know pete "how do you know pete?" i ask my mom "his dad came by today and told us about you're little relationship" fuck i knew his dad would try something like this "patrick im very disappointed in you me and your father raised you better" she says "what's wrong with being gay mom what!" i scream in her face but then i see my dad walk in with an angry look on his face "patrick don't scream at your mother" he says to me "why you scream at her all the time why is it different for me!?" without thinking my dad slaps me across my face i then get a huge adrenaline rush and punch him in his face and run out the house.

Petes p.o.v: I really hope patrick doesn't get in too much trouble like i did,i start to relax until "pete! pete! please!" from outside my window i go to open it and its patrick soaked in rain and a handprint on his cheek "patrick" i say as he enters my room "pete h-he hit me" i look at the handprint on his cheek "patrick im so sorry" he runs over to me and we start hugging "patrick I'm so sorry for what my dad did" i say through my tears he only nods and continues crying i signal him to the bed to lay down "hey trick you wanna stay here tonight?" i ask he nods his head again "trick why don't you get changed okay?" he nods and gets some pajamas from my dresser patrick is sleeping just fine but i cant sleep at all my thoughts are driving me crazy until i see Patrick's wrist i see a ton of new scars i pull him closer to me and whisper "it's okay i understand" i then start to doze off to sleep.

Time jump: the morning

Patrick's p.o.v: i slept great last night and pete said that i can stay the night again tonight he did see my new scars and he understood im promised not to do it again everything is normal until we walk into school when the principal approaches us "you two i just wanted to let you know those bullies of yours have been expelled so you dont have to worry anymore" she then walks off and me and pete turn into the happiest people in the hallway he kisses me and i kiss back and we start walking to our first period holding hands.

The whole day with no bullies and i can stay the night at Pete's again but then i hear my phone ring it's my mom "patrick I'm sorry for what i said the other day you're right there's nothing wrong with being gay and you're father finally left so it's just me and you come home whenever you're ready" she says i turn to pete and smile he smiles back and we continue not the Petes house but my house.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2020 ⏰

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