Chapter 2

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TRIGGER WARNING. I woke to a knocking at the door and let out a sigh but proceeded to get the door anyway but as i open the door "hey there!" a familiar face greets me.

The new kid i still didn't know his name and didn't care "um could you leave please im busy" i lie trying to get him to leave me alone "no i wanna know about you a little more I've never had a friend" he says but i proceed to say "sorry kid i don't do friends" i say before slamming the door in his face.

Patricks p.o.v:"why do i even try" i say to myself through my tears i then start to walk back to my house but i just cant hold back the tears and they start falling down now im running to my house i burst through the door and run to my room my parents are barely home so they cant hear me i start crying louder than before why doesn't he want friends why he's probably one of those jocks who beat me up in the hallway i say to myself i then get up and head out the door again heading to school alone again.

Petes p.o.v: I kinda feel bad about slamming the door in his face but he's probably alright by now i say to myself walking to school until i see him again this time hood up looking down at the ground i ignore it and head into school until "hey wentz get over here" i hear from one of my biggest bullies i don't know his name and don't care i ignore it until im tackled to the ground and punched and kicked multiple times i start to enjoy the pain until i hear "hey leave him alone dick" i hear from a familiar sounding voice "what gonna stick up for the faggot huh stump" i hear him say i look up to see patrick on the ground he catches me staring and signals me to run which i do.

I run to the bathroom no one barely uses i run in and get in the nearest stall and let it all out punch the wall scream and cry until i hear footsteps coming in "i don't know why i even fucking try" i hear from a familiar voice i look through a small crack in the stall to see the new kid covered in bruises and crying "uh i fucking hate my life and this school what's wrong with being gay,what!" i hear him scream through his tears i continue staring through the crack until i see him pull up his sleeve to reveal multiple scars on his wrist he reaches in his bag to pull out a razor and then i stop staring through the crack just in time not to see what he was doing.

I stayed in the bathroom all day and so did the new kid i waited for him to leave first so he didnt see me when i left i run out the door and run to the new kid "hey there" i say "oh hello" he says in that cute voice of his "so uh whats your name?" i ask "uh patrick, patrick stump" he says "cool my names pete" i say the conversation goes from names to music to school to family and it was magical until i looked down and i see his hand holding mine "whoa what the fuck!" i say as i retract his hand from mine "um i sorry i didn't mean to freak you out im sorry i" he babbles out trying to get an excuse "i don't wanna hear it i don't need you i dont want friends im i-im straight i know it!" i scream in his face,i run to my house and run inside and to my room i just let it out i punch the walls scream and cry but then i remember something my blade i open my bag and rummage through it until i find it i do and lift up my sleeve and do one swift strike just enough to satisfy me i then get on my bed and start thinking again,why was he holding my hand? why did i connect so much with him? why why why do i w-w-why d-do i-i w-w-wanna kiss him?

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