Chapter 3

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I walk into class heavy heart why did i wanna kiss patrick i just met him but he's so beautiful and cool and he likes the same things as me and i stop babbling in my head and decide to skip again today i walk into the bathroom to see patrick in the corner again "hey what's wrong?" i ask.

"Just leave me alone" he says through his tears "patrick please tell me what's wrong" i say as i start to cry "you i just wanted to be friends i didn't mean to hold your hand okay just leave!" he screams "no im not leaving i care about you patrick" i say "no you don't nobody does i just want to be normal" patrick says through more tears "patrick i care about you I'm going through the same stuff just let me help you" i say fighting back more tears "pete if you really care about me just leave" he says "okay patrick" i say and run off.

After school i see patrick walking and i run over "hey buddy" i say trying to get his attention "pete what did i say today" he says "look patrick im sorry i care about you" i say "if you cared about me you wouldn't have slammed that door in my face you wouldn't have removed your hand from mine you" but before he can say anything else i grab his arms and press my lips to his "pete you really do care" he says i nod my head and we start walking to my house hands together.

We reach my house but before i go in "um patrick what did you think?" i ask "pete it was glorious" he says "well i gotta go in" i say "wait" patrick says he then grabs me and kisses me "see you tommorow petey" he says before walking off "goodbye trick" i say before entering my house.

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