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"You really wanna have a quirk so bad? Take a swan dive off the roof and pray you have a quirk in your next life!" Bakugo said to me as he left the classroom with his friends.



Here I stood, on the edge of the building, looking down at the grass. Tears couldn't help but run down my cheeks and drip off my chin to fall the 30 feet down.

 I took off my bandages and looked at all the little red and pink lines going across my arm, I smiled at them, knowing I deserved it. I was a nasty, useless, stupid, slut, all the names kacchans friends called me when they hurt me.

 I sat down on the edge and took out my phone, to listen to music. 

'i hate you, and you, and youuu. I hate your friends and they hate me too.' I hummed along.

"young midoriya?"

I flipped around to see all might in his weak form. "y-yes?" I smiled at him, taking my earbuds out, trying to hide the fact that I was just crying.

"Are you alright young midoriya?"

"w-what- Oh! y-yea! im okay! just got something in my eye, it was irritating me"

"Oh, ok. Anyways, what are you doing on the roof on after school hours, young midoriya?"

"I was, umm, I was looking at the view.."

"Ok, but you need to leave now Midoriya." He motioned for me to get up and go.

"Oh-Ok all might!" I said smiling even bigger, trying not to cry. 

I got up to leave, but as I walked past All might, He grabbed my wrist. I winched in pain as he grabbed onto me.

"are you sure you're alright young midoriya?" he asked concerned.

"N-no..- I mean, YES! yes! yes." I said looking at All might.

~All might POV~

I was told a student was on the edge of the roof, so I ran up, just to make sure they weren't going to kill themselves, but when I got up there, I opened the roof door to see a certain green-haired student. 

"young midoriya?"

 He turned around to look at me. His eyes were puffy and his cheeks were tear-stained. He smiled at me, with his heartwarming smile, the smile that could cure the depressed, but, this smile wasn't his usual, it was empty and seemed forced.

when he got up to go I had an unsure feeling, I grabbed onto his wrist not wanting him to leave just yet, and he.. flinched? He looked like he was holding in tears.

"are you sure you're alright young midoriya?"

His response really made me wonder what was wrong. After he left, I felt something wet on my fingers, so I looked down and saw that my hand was covered in a thin layer of blood.

"M- Midoriya! Come back!"

~ Deku POV ~

I ran as fast as I could to get away from the school building. I could hear All Might yelling for me, but I didn't stop running. 

Mom wasn't home when I got there because she was at work. She would have to work so hard if I wasn't so useless, or.. alive. She normally leaves a note on the table so I went over to look.

Dear izuku,

I'm working an overnight shift plus overtime, 

I'll be home around 6 P.M tomorrow.

love you, be sure to eat dinner.

~Mom ☺︎♡

I'd hate to leave her all alone, but I can't stand my life anymore. 

I want to die.

I need to die.

I can't stand the pain anymore.

I have an idea, I'll plan the day I die, that way I can make sure still I want to. I went up to my room and wrote down in my notebook "Goodbye :) June 1st." That gives me a whole month.

!!cutting!! skip to when it's over if you don't like it :(

I put away my notebook and went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror to see a slutty, ugly, fat, green-haired boy looking back at me.

 I teared up as I opened the bathroom drawer to get my razor. I pressed it against my scarred pink wrists, and pushed down, watching as the blood dripped down my arm. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I made dozens of cuts across my arms. 





waste of space

slice slice


slice slice


slice slice

Swan dive off the roof.

slice slice slice-


I cut a little too deep, causing it to bleed a huge amount of blood. I dropped my razor and stumbled back. Losing my balance, I fell into the tub, ripping down the curtain. 

I got up and stumbled over to the sink, getting bloody handprints everywhere. My knees gave in and I fell to the floor. Tears rolled down my cheeks as my vision blurred. 

'Knock knock'

(haha, cliff hanger)

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